Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1617

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . Sass. III. Cia . 522 . 1931 . For co nstruction and repair of buil dings, includin g the purchase and installation of machinery and equipment, and all expenses incident thereto, to be expended so as to give the maximum amount of employment to inmates of the institution, fiscal years 1 931 and 1 932 , $$33,252 . ten t Northeas iary . tern Pen s. United States Northea stern Penitent iary, construct ion : Fo r c om- Ante, pp . 388, 881. pl eting the Unit ed States North eastern Penite ntiary, includi ng the same objects specified under this head in the Second Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1930, $1,900,000, to remain available until June 30, 1932. st itut ion Federal for Women . 1'n- Federal Industria l Institution for Women, Alderson, West Virginia, construction : For construction and repair of buildings, in cluding the pu rchase and inst allation of ma chinery and equ ipment, and all expenses incident thereto, to be expended so as to give the maximum amount of employment to inmates of the institution, fiscal years 1931 and 1932, $7,090 . to Industrial Reforma- United States Industr ial Reformator y, Chillicothe, Ohio : Fo r t he United States Industrial Reformatory, Chillicothe, Ohio, including the same objects specified under this head in the Act making appro- riations for the Department of Justice for the fiscal year 1931, 77,000 . del $inque i s defective Uni ted Sta tes hos pital f or defe ctive d elinque nts : For a new United States hospital for defective delinquents, including the cost of purchasing a site, remodeling, constructing, and equipping the neces- sary buildings thereon, purchase of mechanical equipment, and all ot her expenses i ncident thereto , as authorize d by the act en titled Ante, p. 270. "An Act to establish a hospital for defective delinquents," approved May 13, 1930 (46 Stat ., p . 270), to be expended under the direction an d upon the wri tten order of t he Attorney Ge neral, by contr act or purchase of material and hire of labor and services and utilization of labor of United States prisoners, as the Attorney General may direct, Total oal expense .

$1,250,000, to remain available until June 30, 1932 : Provided, That con trac ts aut hor- the total sum to be expended for such purposes shall not exceed $2,500,000, and authority is hereby granted to enter into a contract or contracts for not to exceed such amount : Provided further, That Acc ept anc e

donations of property available for use as a site may be accepted Pris on ca mps.

by the Government . . Constructio n, etc .

Prison camps : For the construction and repair of buildings at Main $ .13 28.

prison camps, the purchase and installation of machinery and e ui Maintenance of prix-


q li' onersat, ment, and all necessary expenses incident thereto, and for the main- te nance of Unite d States prison ers at prison camps, to be ex pended so as to give the maximum amount of employment to prisoners, proviso .

fiscal years 1931 and 1932, $150,000 : Provided, That reimbursements tou t t Pce. a t nut from this appropriation made to the War or other departments for supplies or subsistence shall be at the net contract or invoice price National Training no twithstanding the provisions of any other A ct . School for Boys, D . a. National Training School for Boys, Washington, District of Columbia : For the National Training School for Boys, Washington, District of Columbia, including the same objects specified under this head in the Act making appropriations for the Department of Justice for the fiscal year 1931, $27,000 . Fede ral jail s.

Federa l jails : Not to exceed $57,150 of th e appro priatio n for Purchase of water rights for El Paso, Tex ., Federal jails contained in the Second Deficiency Act, fiscal year ja il . mavailable.

1930, shall be available for the purchase of water rights for not to exceed 635 acres at $90 per acre under the Rio Grande Federal irri- Ante, p. 882, gation project, and the Attorney General may contract with the Se cretary of the Interior or hi s authorized r epresentative f or the purchase of such water rights and for reimbursement of the pro rata an nual cost of m aintenance and operation .