Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1753

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INDEX. lxxxi General Grant National Park, Calif., Paire appropriation for administration, etc____________________ 314,1150,1324 General Land Office. See aho Interior Department. R. S., scc. 162, relative to hours of business in, repealed __ _ _ ________ 1028 R. S., sec. 461; fees for exemplification of land patents, repealed_____ ____ ___ 1029 General Leasing Act: Amendments, secs. 17 and 27_____ 1007,1525 Section 17- Oil, etc., deposits on unappropriated lands, may he leased; conditions, terms, bidding________________ 1007 Additional term if cooperative de- velopmenL _ _ _____ ____ ____ ___ 1007 Report of leases made___ ______ _____ 1007 Limiting production under coop- erative plan_ ______ __ ______ ___ 1524 Suspension of drilling, etc., require- rnents_______________________ 1524 Reduction of royalty if production smalL ___ ___ _____ ___ __ __ _____ 1007 Section 27- Aggregate holdings by one person, etc., in any minerallimited____ __ 1008 Interests held in violation, for- feited__ __ __________ _____ ___ __ 1008 Excess holding acquired by de- scent, disposition oL__________ 1008 Combination of interests for refinery, etc., construction; approval oL __ 1008 Cooperative development of fields, etc.; conditionsfor____________ 1008 Proof of discovery if permit within producing fields_______________ 1525 Approv31 of operating, etc., con- tracts ______________________ _ Trust holding unlawfuL ___________ _ Forfeiture of leases _____________ _ Rentals under, repayment of excess __ General StaO' Corps, Army. See War Department. General Supply Committee. See Treas- ury Department. Generating Apparatus, duty on ________ _ Geneva, Switzerland: 1525 1008 1009 822 625 Narcotic Drugs Conference expenses authorized_____________________ 1516 Appropriation for ___ _____ _________ 1628 Genoa, Nebr., support of Indian school at, appropriation for ___ 104,295,1132,1615 Gentian, on free lisL _ _ _ ________ __ _____ 679 Geograpbic Be ard. See Independent Offices. Geologic Science, appropriation for re- search ________________________ 311, 1147 Geological Suney. See tllso Interior Page Dep3rtment. Aerial photographs for mapping proj- ects furnished by War and Navy Departrnents________________ 312, 1148 Cooperative work, iunds available for __ 878 Employees, transfer of effects oL ______ 1149 Scientific investigations for depart- ments, etc., by _____ __ ________ ___ 1148 Transfer from appropriation for Mexi- can Water Boundary Commission for expenditure by ______ _____ ___ _ 179 Transfer of appropriation to, for min- ing supervision, etc., on Indian lands__________________________ 287 Water boundary, United States and Mexico, transfer of funds by Sec- retary of Stateto________________ 1315 George, Preston L., appropriation for com- pensation __________________ 93,861,1553 George Rogers Clark Sesquicentennial Commission: Appropriation for expenses, participa- tion of the United States_ _ __ _____ 1363 Appropriation authorized for; increased_ 1459 Expendituree allowed, upon approval by__________________________ 1460 George Wasbington: Appropriation for rebindLlg Papers oL _ 1188 Commemorative quarter dollar to be coined_________________________ 1523 George Wasbirgton Bicentennial Com- mission. See also Independent Offices. Appropriation authorized for, out of District of Columbia funds 1416 Congressional Members of, tem;r~-~~t affected by service in Congress_ _ _ _ 1528 Washington's esse!1tial writings, etc. Preparation oL __________________ _ Printing, distribution, sale ________ _ "Usual number" ________________ _ Appropriation for _______________ _ Commission established _____________ _ George Wasbington Birthplace National Monument, Wakefield, Va.: Appropriation for- Admini:liration, etc ______________ _ Removing monument 'co new site, etc. Establishing of ____________________ _ Improvements, etc., authorized ______ _ George Wasbingtcn Memorial Parkway: Appropriation for __________________ _ Deficiency appropriation for _________ _ I,and acC!uisition fo:", authorized _____ _ Area included _____ .. _______ _______ _ _ Preservation of natural beauty of Potornac,etc ________________ _ Future power development not de- barrp.d ______________________ _ 72 72 72 72 73 1153 878 58 106 1367 864 482 483 483 483