Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1769

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INDEX. XCVll Independent Offices Appropriation Act- Page Contirued. Deficiency appropriation for-Contd. Veterans' Bureau _______ 96,126,866,1080 Audited claims _____________ 1076,1077 and expenses________ 1077,1080 Vocational rehabilitation_____ 1077,1080 War Policies Commission __________ 1557 Yorktown Sesquicentennial Commis- sion_________________________ 1067 Reallocation increases, transfers al- lowed to meet__________________ 1376 India: Duty on, paper_____________________ 653 !tubber________________________ 627,668 On free list, malacca joints____ ___ ____ _ 684 !tubber__________________________ 678 Indian Affairs, Bureau of. See also In- terior, Department of. Agents, Calif., visits to Washington, R. S ., sec. 2061, repealed_________ 1028 Appropriation for medical relief, Alaska nativelii transfer to. from Office of Education_____________________ 1565 Emwoyment Stabilization Act, con- struction under_______ . _________ 1085 Supplics, etc., purchase of, U. S. C., title 25, sec. 94, repealed_________ 1028 Indian Service: Employees, retirement oL _ _ __ _______ 468 Itoad, etc., work appropriations imme- diatelyavailable________________ 1141 Warehouses, maintenance of designated, U. S. C., title 25, sec. 103, repealed_ 1028 Indiana: Drought-stricken areas, relief of farmers in, authorized_ ____ ______ ______ _ 78 Provisions extended_ ________ ______ 254 Deficiency appropriation fOL____ _ 99 Fish-cultural station authorized to be establishedin____ _____ ___ _______ 371 Appropriation for.________________ 1345 Harbor and Canal, preliminary exami- nation of, to be made ____________ . 942 Improvements authorized_ _________ 929 Indianapolis, care of Confederate sec- tion of Greenlawn Cemetery __ 458, 1302 Time extended for bridging Ohio !tiver, at Evansville___________________ 766 Wabash !tiver, at-- Mount Carmel, Ill______________ 167 Vincennes, Ind ________________ 30,777 Indianhead, Md.: Appropriation for naval ordnance school at__________________________ 564, 1438 Naval proving ground, power-plant improvement___________________ 111 Indians. See also Interior Department. Page Appropriation for- Available, only if timber sales frop.} forests of, insufficient for admin- istration_ .. ___ ___ ________ ____ _ 1070 Depredationclaims,dependingsuitsin_ 1322 Education of, in stock raising_______ 1130 R.eservation expenses __ ___________ 283, 289,303,1122,1123,1140 Deficiency appropriation for- Administration of, fOTf~sts_ __ _ _ _ 1070, 1566 !toad, etc., construction on rcserva- tions________________________ 1070 Allottees, authorized to file claims for refund of taxes, etc., collected on nonassessable tribal lands_ _______ 370 Appropriation available for employ- ment of, on projects_____________ 1069 California, enrollment of, to be deter- mined_________________________ 259 Claims of certain tribes of, in Montana, Idaho, and Washington__________ 1060 Cooperative school construction at Pop- lar, Mont.; admittance of Indian children_______________________ 1108 Crows, Mont., sale of tracts on former reservation____ __ ______________ _ 1105 Donations to institutions for benefit of, to be accepted__________________ 1106 Elklt, N ev., appropriation for, village for _ 1046 Ely, Nev., land purchase fOL_________ 820 Five Civilized Tribes, restricted mem- bers of, whose land sold, may select other__________________________ 1471 Double taxation on oil, etc., produc- ing machinery of, not imposed__ 1109 Fo::-t Berthold, pro rata distribution of judgment funds to______________ 1481 Fort Peck R.eservation, children ad- mitted to Frazer, Mont., high school_________________________ 1106 Klamath, Oreg., expenses of suits_____ 1105 Lands, title to certain South Dakota, validated_ _ ___ ___ _____ _____ ____ 263 Menominees of Wisconsin, per capita payment to ____________________ 1102 Michaud Division, allotment of home- steads on_ _ _ _____ _____________ _ 1061 Osage Tribe, Okla., appropriation of funds of, for attorneys' fees ______ 1047 Papago R.eservation, lands reserved as addition to_____ ___ ____ __ _______ 1202 !toad construction on lands of, appro- priation continued available __ 1173,1563 Schools, donations to, for benefit of, to be accepted____________________ 1106 Shoshones and Arapahoes, per capita payment to ___________________ _ Sign language, recording of, authorized_ Deficiency appropriation for_______ _ 1060 147 875