Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1837

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INDEX. clxv Public L'.nds-Continued. Page Reservation of, to protect Los Angeles water supply___________________ 1530 Residence credit on, allowed entryman for Indian war service___________ 144 Restoration of naval reservations, etc., U. S. C., title 16, sec. 600, repealed_ 1028 Sales of, R. S ., secs. 2358-2360, re- pealed_________________________ 1029 Credit on, R. S., sec. 2356, repealed_ 1029 Half qua~ter sections, R. S., sec. 2353, repealed_____ _________________ 1029 Minimum price, R. S., sec. 2364, re- pealed_______________________ 1029 Nevada, to Western Pacific Railway Company____________________ 1167 Publication of, U. S. C., title 43, 62C. 686, repealed_________________ 1029 Surveys, contracts for, R. S., secs. 2398, 2399, repealed_ __________ _______ 1029 Prices of, R. S ., sec. 2400, repealed__ 1029 Taxation of ceded lands under Indian irrigation projects ______________ _ 581 TemeCula Indian Reservation, with- drawal of, for addition to________ 1201 Unproductive irri!,:ation projects, dis- posal oL ________________ - - - ___ _ 367 Washington, rates for forest surveys, R. S., sec. 2405, repea1ed_________ 1029 Watercourses, surveys on, R. S ., sec. 2407, repealed___________ _______ 1029 Wyoming, exploration of certain in, authorized_____________________ 1470 Oil and gas prospecting permits and leases, grant oC _____________ _ Public Printing and Binding. See also Printing snd Binding. 819 Department reports, R. S., sec. 196, re- pealed_ ______________________ ___ 1028 Public Roads, Bureau of. See also Agricul- ture, Department of. Construction of buildings for, on Gov- ernment Island, Calif., authorized_ 1196 Employment Stabilization Act, con- struction under____ ____ __ ____ ___ 1085 Wind River Reservation, road con- struction ill, under_____________ _ Public Sc}tools, D. C . See District of Columbia. "Public Stores," term defined, Tariff Act_ Public-Utility Standards, appropriation 430 745 for investigation oL ____________ 201,1337 Public V/orks: Appropriations for emergency construc- ~onon _______________________ _ 1030 Deficiency appropriation for-- Emergency construction ______ - ___ _ 1072 War Department emergency con- struction ______________ - - - _- -- 1074 Public Works Emergency AppropriMioa. Pace estimates authorized whenever busi- ness depression imminenL .. _ __ _ _ __ _ 1086 Puddings, duty on __________________ 635,638 Pueblo, Colo.• appropriation for public building at_______________________ 1500 Pueblo Indian Board: Appropriation for expenses _______ 187,1121 Settlement for damages as reco:tc- mended in reports oC ______ ____ _ 286 Pueblo Indians, N. Mex.: Appropriation for- .Attorney fOL _________________ 285, 1~21 Irrigation systems, repairs, etc_ 1128, 1567 Payments to, for lost land and water rights________________________ 1121 Quieting titles to lands oC _________ 286 Water supply developmenL _____ 289,1125 Deficiency appropriation for compensa- tion___________________________ 1566 Land purchase for sanatorium pur- poses__________________________ 104 Puget Sound, Wash.: Appropriation for- Naval ammunition depot, improve- ment of telephone system_ _____ 570 Navy yard, public works ____ 111,570,1444 Deficiency appropriation for construc- tion _______________________ 1072,1073 Navy yard, public works, authorized__ 329 Preliminary examination of waterway, to be made_____________________ 9-44 Pulaski, Brigadier General Casimir: President reque8ted to invite observ- ance of October 11, 1929, as the 150th anniversary of death oL____ 28 Pulaeki Memorial Day, issue of procla- mation authorized to proclaim October 11, 1931, as____ __ _______ 1627 Sesquicentennial Commission, appro- priation for expenses_ _ __________ 8 Pullman, Wash.: Appropriation for public building at_ __ 353 Post office, etc., limit of cost increased_ _ 119 Pulpits, on free lisL___________________ 682 Pulpwood: Duty on, and boards ________ ~----- 653,657 On free lisL_____ ______ ________ _____ 684 Pultneyville Harbor, N. Y ., preliminary examination of, to be made_ ________ 943 Pulu, on free list______________________ 678 Pumice Stone, duty on________________ 602 Punches, duty on_____________________ 626 Pungo River, N. C., preliminary examina- tion to be made of intersecting canal with_____________________________ 936 Punta Paitilla, Panama Canal Zone, ap- propriation for payment for land at_______________________________ 888