Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/208

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONG RESS . SESS. II. CHs. 148, 149. 1930 .

165 SEC . 2 . No agent, attorney, or other person engaged in preparing, presenting, or prosecuting any claim under the provisions of this Act shall, directly or indirectly, contract for, demand, receive, or retain for such services in preparing, presenting, cr prosecuting such claim a sum greater than $10, which sum shall be payable only on the order of the Secretary of the Treasury ; and any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this section, or shall wrong- fully withhold from the claimant the whole or any part of retired pay allowed or due such claimant under this Act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall, for each and every offense, be fined not exceeding $500 or be imprisoned not exceeding one year, or both, in the discretion of the court . Restriction on pay to atto, uey, etc . Pen alty for viol a- tions. Be it e nacted by the Senate and House of Repres entatives of the United States o f America i n Congress assembled, That the Act of Hawaii . Congress app roved June 28 , 1921 (Forty -second Statut es, pages 67, ed.

, amend- 68), entitled "An Act to provide for the acquisition by the United States of private rights of fishery in and about Pearl Harbor, Terri- tory of Hawaii," be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as follows " That the Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized to examine Pearl Harbor private fishery rights . and appraise the value of all privately owned rights of fishery in Appraisal of va lue of , Pearl Harbor, island of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, lying between autho rize d . extreme high-water mark and the sea and in and about the entrance Area incl uded l channel to said harbor, within an area extending along the ocean shore to the westward about four thousand five hundred feet from Keahi Point to a line in continuation of the westerly boundary of the Puuloa Naval Reservation and extending along the oceann shore to the eastwar d about five thousand feet from the harb or entrance to a line in continuation of the easterly boundary of the Queen Emma Site, Army Reservation, and to enter into negotiations for the pur- chasesotiation for pur- chase of the said rights, and, if in his judgment the price for such rights is reasonable and satisfactory, to make contracts for the pur- chase of same subject to fu ture ratifica tion and appro priation by Congress ; or, in the event of the inability of the Secretary of the Con dem na tio n, if Navy to make a satisfactory contract for the voluntary purchase contract unsat isfactory . of the said rights of fishery, he is hereby authorized and directed, through the Attorney General, to institute and carry to completion proc eedi ngs for cond emna tion of said rig hts of f ishe ry, the acce pt- ance of the award in said proceedings to be subject to the future rati- fic ati on and ap pro pri at ion by Co ngr ess . Such condemnation pro- Proce edin gs . ceedings shall be instituted and conducted in, and jurisdiction of said proceedings is hereby given to, the District Court of the United States for the District of Hawaii, substantially as provided in `An Act to authorize condemnation of land for sites for public Vol.25,p.357. buildings, and for other purposes,' approved August 1, 1888 (Twenty- fifth Statutes, page 357) : Provided, That the Secretary of the Navy - hio . perm its to is authorized to permit fishing within the area hereunder acquired, citizens . b y citizens of the United States and its possessions, under such regu- lations and restrictions as he may prescribe . The Secretary of the Navy is further authorized and directed to report the proceedings her eunder to Con gress ." Approved, April 14, 1930 . Approved, April 14, 1930 . April 14, 1930 . CHAP . 149 .-An Act To amend the Act of Congress approved June 28, 1921 [H. R. 8294.) (Forty-second Statutes, pages 67, 68 ), entitled "An Act to pr ovi de for the [Public, No . 121.] acqu isi tion by the Uni ted Sta tes of priv ate rig hts of fish ery in and abou t P earl Harbor, Territory of Hawaii . "