Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/228

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SEV EN TY- FI RST C ONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 184 . 1930 .

185 INTERNATIONAL STATI STIC AL INSTITUTE AT THE HAGUE For the annual contribution of the United States to the Interna- tional Statistical Bureau at The Hague for the year 1931, as author- ized by public resolution approved April 28, 1924 (43 Stat ., p . 112), $2,000, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of State . INTERNATIONAL ROA D CONGRESS To pay the quota of the United States in the Permanent Associa- tion of International Road Congresses, as authorized by the public resolution approved June 18, 1926 (U . S . C ., Supp . III, title 22, sec . 269), $3,000 . INTERNATIONAL MAP OF THE WOR LD Fo r the share of the Unite d Stat es of the exp enses of the centr al thInternational Map of bureau of the International Map of the World for the calendar year Vol.44,p .384. 1930,$30 . INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE EXPLORATION OF THE ARCTIC REG IO NS Interna tional Society for Exploration of Arctio BY MEAN S OF THE AI RSHI P

Regions by Ai rship . To enable the Secretary of State to pay the annual contribution of the United States in the plans of the organization of the Interna- tional Society for the Exploration of the Arctic Regions by Means of the Airship or the establishment of geophysical observations in the inner Arctic regions, as authorized by Public Resolution Numbered 87, approved February 16, 1929, $300 . JUDIC IAL UNITED STATES COURT FOR CHINA For salaries of the judge, district attorney, and other officers and employees of the court ; cou rt ex pense s, i nclud ing r efer ence law books, ic e, and dr inking wa ter for o ffice pur poses, $4 1,650 . PR ISO NS FOR AMERICAN CONVICTS For expenses of maintaining in China, the former Ottoman Empire, Egypt , Ethi opia, Morocc o, and Persia insti tution s for incar- cera ting Ame rica n co nvi cts and pers ons dec lare d in sane by the United States Court for China or any con sular court

wages of

prison keepers ; rent of quarters for prisons ; ice and drinking water for prison purposes ; and for the expenses of keeping, feeding, and transportation of prisoners and persons declared insane by the United States Court for China or any consular court in China, the former Ottoman Empire, Egypt, Ethiopia, Morocco, and Persia, so much as ma y be nece ssary ; in all, $9,600 . BRINGING HOME CRIMINALS International Statis- tical Institute . Vol.43,p.112. Intern ational Road Congresses . Vol.44.P.7.54 . U.S.C.,Supp.IV. p. 308 . Annual contribution . Vol. 45, p. 1222. United States Court for China . Salaries and expenses . Consular prisons, etc . Kee per s, qua rte rs, etc. Countries specified. For actual expenses incurred in bringing home from foreign Bringing home crim- inals . countries persons charged with crime, $6,000 . Section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U . S . C ., title 41, sec . 5) Minor purchases, 7

etc , without advertis- shall not apply to any purchase or service rendered payable from the ing . foreg oing appro pria tions when the aggr egate amou nt i nvolv ed do es U. S. C.,p.°309.' 33. not exceed $100 or when the purchase or service relates to the packing of personal and household effects of Diplomatic, Consular, and Fo reign Servic e offi cers a nd cle rks fo r forei gn shi pment .