Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/345

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S EVE NTY -FIR ST C ONGRESS . SEss . II. CH. 273. 1930 . tion of an electric light plant at Taholah; Yakima, $38,000; in all, $119,900; Wiscon sin . Wisconsin : Lac du Flambeau, $1,200; Keshena, $57,000, including not to exceed $7,000 for two employees' cottages and $5,000 for monthly allowances, under such rules and regulations as the Secre- tary of the Inte rior may p rescribe, t o such old and indig ent member s of the Menominee Tribe as it is impracticable to place in the home for old and indigent Menominee Indians, and who reside with rela- tives or friends; in all, $58,200; W y oming .

Wyoming : Shoshone $73,000; In all, not to exceed 1,297,538 .46 . Chi ppe was in Mi n- Fo r gener al supp ort, a dminist ration of prop erty, a nd prom otion neG o eneral support, ad- of self-support among the Chippewa Indians in the State of Minne- mfmsterm t property, etc .

sota, $90,000, to be paid from the principal sum on deposit to the , from trust fund . W. 25, p. 645. credit of said Indians, arising under section 7 of the Act entitled "An Act for the relief and civilization of the Chippewa Indians in the State of Minnesota," approved January 14, 1889 (25 Stat ., p . Purposes specified. 645), to be used exclusively for the purposes following : Not exceed- ing $50,0 00 of this amoun t may be ex pende d for gene ral a gency Aiding indigent In- purposes; not exceeding $40,000 may be expended in aiding indigent mans' Chippewa Indians upon the condition that any funds used in support of a member of the tribe shall be reimbursed out of and become a lien against any individual property of which such member may now or hereafter become seized or possessed, the two preceding require- ments not to apply to any old, infirm, or indigent Indian, in the dis- A mount i mmadi- Aroofs

cretion of the Secretary of the Interior : Provided That not to exceed ately available . $10,000 of the prin cipal funds on deposi t to the c redit of t he Chip- pewa I ndians of Minn esota s hall be immedi ately a vailabl e for t he purpose of aiding indigent Chippewa Indians upon the conditions herein named . a Cwhsetawsandchlek- For the expenses of per capita payments to the enrolled members Per capita payment of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Tribes of Indians, $5,000, to be paid expenses'

from the funds held by the United States in trust for said Indians . FiveCivilized Tribes . t Apportionment of al . For the current fiscal year, money may be expended from the tribal ent for the fiscal funds of the Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, and Seminole Tribes for specified salaries . equalization of allotments, per capita, and other payments authorized by law to individual members of the respective tribes, salaries and contingent expenses of the governor of the Chickasaw Nation and chief of the Choctaw Nation and one mining trustee for the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations at salaries at the rate heretofore paid for the said governor and said chief and $4,000 for the said mining trustee and $1,000 for his expenses, and the chief of the Creek Nation at a salary not to exceed $600 per annum, and one attorney each for the Choctaw and Chickasaw Tribes employed under contract Pros' estriction . approved by the President under existing law : Provided, That the expenses of any of the above-named officials, except the mining trustee, shall not exceed $2,500 per annum each for chiefs and gov- ernor except in the case of tribal attorneys, whose expenses shall be determined and limited by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, not to exceed $2,500 each . Agency expenses, For the support of the Osage Agency, including repairs to build- from trust funds . ings, pay of tribal officers, the tribal attorney and his stenographer . o ne special attorney in tax and other mat ters, and employees of said agency, $190,000, to be paid from the funds held by the United States in trust for the Osage Tribe of Indians in Oklahoma . Oil and gas produc- For necessary expenses in connection with oil and gas production t ion . Expenses fr om tribal on the Osage Reservation, including salaries of employees, rent of trust funds'

quarters for employees, traveling expenses, printing, telegraphing, and telephoning, and purchase, repair, and operation of automo-