Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/348

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SEV ENT Y-F IRST CONGR ESS. SEss . II. Cs. 273 . 1930 .

305 SALARIES For the Commissioner of Pensions and other personal services commiss ioner and office personnel . i n th e District of Columbi a, $1,219, 400 .


General expenses . In ves tig ati on, For expenses of special investigations pertaining to the Bureau tra vel, etc . of Pensions, including traveling expenses of persons detailed from th at bure au for such p urpose, purcha se of s upplies and eq uipment fo r field us e, copies of records and docume nts, and r eimburseme nt of cooperating governmental agencies for expenses necessarily incurred Attendance at meet , in connection with such investigations ; also including not to exceed ings $1 ,500 fo r nece ssary t ravelin g and o ther ex penses of the commis- si oner or emplo yees of the bu reau as signed, with t he appr oval of the Secretary of the Interior, to official duty in connection with the annual conventions of organized war veterans or meetings of medical organizations, $150,000 . For fees and mileage of examining surgeons engaged in the exami- nation of pensioners and of claimants for pension, for services rendered within the fiscal years 1930 and 1931, $298,000

and includ-

ing not to exceed $4,000 for X-r ay, labora tory, and other diag nostic t ests, when, in the judgment of the med ical referee, such are necessary to proper diagnoses . RE TIRE MENT ACT Retirement Act. Bureau expenses un- To enable the Bureau of Pensions to perform the duties imposed der . 41, p. 619


upon it by the Act entitled "An Act for the retirement of employees 44,,p .912. in the classified civil service, and for other purposes," approved May IV, . 3C.'p . 73; Supp. 22, 1920, as amended (U . S . C ., title 5, sees . 706a, 707a), including pest, p . 4ss. personal services , purchase of books , office equipment, stationery, and other supplies, traveling expenses, expenses of medical and other examinations, and including not to exceed $2,200 for compensation of one ac tuary, to be fixed by the Commi ssioner of Pensions with the Actuary, etc- approval of the Secretary of the Interior, and actual necessary travel and other expenses of three members of the Board of Actuaries, $82,000 .

Government contri- For financing of the liability of the United States, created by the bution to retirement Act entitled "An Act for the retirement of employees in the classified fund. civil service, and for other purposes," approved May 22 1920, and 44~p.'912' p 619


Acts amendatory thereof (U . S . C ., title 5, sees . 707a), 20,850,000, ~U . S . .,p.73, supp, which amount shall be placed to the credit of the " civil-service post, p. 468. retireme nt and dis ability fu nd ." BUREAU OF REC LAM AT ION

Reclamation Bureau . Th e follo wing su ms are approp riated out of the spe cial fu nd in mPayments fund . f rom ~0 the T reasury of the United States create d by th e Act o f June 17, Vol . 32, p. 388, 1902, and therein designated " the reclamation fund," to be available immediately :

commissioner, office Commissioner of Reclamation, $10,000 ; and other personal services personnel, and ex- in the District of Columbia, $145, 000 ; for office expenses in the p enses . District of Columbia, $23,000 ; in all, $178,000 ;

All expenses . For all expenditures authorized by the Act of June 17, 1902 Ante, p .281 . (32 Stat ., p . 388), and Acts amendatory thereof or supplementary Vol . 32,p .388. thereto, known as the reclamation law, and all other Acts under which expenditures from said fund are authorized, including not to Purposes designated. exceed $178,000 for person al services and $27,0 00 for oth er expense s in the office of the chief engineer, $25,000 for telegraph, telephone, and other communication service, $7,000 for photographing and mak- ing photographic prints, $54,000 for personal services, and $12,000 for 57894° -31-20