Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/377

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SEVE NTY- FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . IL Cias . 285-287 . 1930 . May 15, 1930 . [S. 4098.] [Public, No . 225 .] CHAP. 285 .-An Act To provide funds for cooperation with the school board at Browning, Montana, in the extension of the high-school building to be avail- a ble to India n chil dren o f the Blackf eet In dian R eserva tion . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Browning, Mont . Sum authorized for United States of America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby ext ension tc., of pub- b- authorized to e appropriated, out of any funds in the Treasury Po st, pp . 876, 1568 . not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $40,000 for the purpose of cooperating with the public-school board of district numbered 9, town of Browning and county of Glacier, Montana, for the exten- sion and betterment of a public high-school building at Browning, s o oossvailable to Montana : Provided, That the expenditure of any money so appro- Indian c hild ren of priated shall be subject to the express condition that the school Montfeet Reservation, maintained by the said school district in the said building shall be available to all Indian children of the Blackfeet Indian Reserva- tion, Montana, on the same terms, except as to payment of tuition, toExcond ton Su bs Bt a s other children of said school d istrict

Provi ded f urth er,

That scribed by Secretary such expenditures shall be subject to such further conditions as may of the Interio be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior . Approved, May 15, 19 30 . May 15, 1930. [S .4 221 .] CHAP . 286 .-An Act For the disposal of combustible refuse from places [Public, No . 226 .] outside of the city of Washington . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Com- missioners of the District of Columbia be, and they are hereby, a uthor ized to e nter into agre ement with the Boar d of Coun ty Co m- missioners of Montgomery County, State of Maryland ; the Board of Co unty Commissioners of Prince G eorges County, State of Mary- land ; the Board of Supervisors of Arlington County, State of Vir- ginia, and/or with the several municipalities, taxing areas, and communities within the counties aforesaid having power and author- ity to enter into such agreements, said agreements to permit said counties, municipalities, taxing areas, and communities to dispose of combust ible mate rial in the inci nerators built b y the Dis trict of Columbia under authority of the Act approved March 4, 1929, en titled " An Act au thorizin g the ac quisitio n of lan d in the District of Columbia and the construction thereon of two modern high- temperature incinerators for the destruction of combustible refuse, an d for ot her purpo ses," in such ki nd and q uantitie s, at suc h times, and for such fees as the said Commissioners of the District of Columbia shall specify : Provided, That said counties, municipalities, taxing areas, and communities shall make collections of such material with their own equipment and shall obtain permits from the District of Columbia for hauling or transporting the material over routes within the District of Columbia to be designated by the said commissioners . The commissioners shall have the right to suspend or revoke such agreements if found necessary for the proper and successful operation of these incinerators, or for any other reason. Approved, May 15, 1930 . District of Columbia. Combustible refuse. Agre ements author- iz ed wi th adj oin ing counties of Maryland and Virginia to permit disposal of, in District incinerators. Vol. 45, p. 1549. Pr ovis o . Coll ections at ex- pense of counties . Right to suspend, etc., agreements . May 15, 1930. H. R. 4 138 .] [P ublic, No . 227.] CHAP. 287 .-An Act To amend the Act of March 2, 1929, entitled "An Act to enable the mothers and widows of the deceased soldiers, sailors, and marines of the American forces now interred in the cemeteries of Europe to make a pilgrim- age to these cemeteries ." American cemeteries Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the in Europe .

United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Act of