Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/432

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SE VEN TY- FI RST CONGRESS . SEss . II. Cs. 339. 1930 .

389 SEC . 2 . The institution authorized hereunder, to be located west Reformatory west of the Mississippi, for con- of the Mississippi River, shall be of the reformatory type and shall fining young offenders . be for the confinement of young offen ders and o thers who, in the opinion of the Attorney General, are proper persons for detention in a reformatory. The institution authorized hereunder, to be located in the north- Penit entiar y typ e, in nor the ast ern se cti on, ea stern sectio n of t he Uni ted St ates, shall be of the pe nitent iary t ype for incarceration of and shall be for the incarceration of adult male persons sentenced to adult male persons. terms of imprisonment for more th an one year with or without hard labor . SEC. 3. Upon the selection of appropriate sites the Attorney sftestimated cosetc of General shall submit to Congress estimates of the cost of purchasing to he ubmitted to the same, and of remodeling, constructing, and equipping the necessary buildings thereon . The A ttorney Gene ral, at the s ame Maintenance ex- time and annually thereafter, shall submit estimates covering the pense, annually . expense of maintaining and operating such institutions, including sa laries of al l nece ssary office rs and emplo yees . SEC . 4 . The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized, upon Plans etc., to be pre- req uest of the Attor ney General, to cause plans, spe cifications, and pared tect supervising estimates for the remodeling and constructing of the necessary buildings to be prepared in the Of fice of the Supervising Architect of the Department of the Treasury, and the work of remodeling and constructing the said buildings to be supervised by the field force Provisos . of said office : Provided, Tha t if, in his discretion, it woul d be By outside contract, if impracticable in De- impractical to cause such plans, specifications, and estimates to be partment . prepared in the Office of the Supervising Architect of the Depart- ment of the Treasury, and such work to be supervised by the field for ce of said office , the Secretary of the Treasury may contract for all or any p ortion of such work to be pe rform ed by such suitab le off ice of Su per vis ing person or firm as he may select : Provided further, Th at the proper Architect to be reim- appropriation for the support and maintenance of the Office of the et ~sedforcostofwork, Supervising Architect be reimbursed for the cost of such work and sup ervision . SEC. 5. The contro l and manag ement of sa id in stitut ions estab- Control, etc ., of i n- stit ution s vest ed in lished hereunder shall be vested in the Attorney General, who shall Attorne y General . hav e power to appoin t, subject to th e civil service laws and regula- ti ons of the U nited States , supe rinten dents, assis tant s uperin tenden ts, Superintendents, war dens, keepers, an d all other offi cers and employe es necessary for inmates care, etc ., of the safekeeping, care, and discipline of the inmates of said institu- tions ; and the Attorney General shall have power to prescribe all necessary rules and regulations for the governance of the officers, emp loyees, and inmat es of said insti tutions . In connection with the Industries, etc., to be maintenance and operation of said institutions the Attorney General established . is authorized to establish and conduct industries, farms, and other a ctivities, to cl assify the inmat es, and to provid e for their prop er treatment, care, rehabilitation, and reformation : Provided That Products devoted for such industries of farming and other activities shall be devoted to Government use . the production and manufacture of articles, commodities, and sup- plies for the use of the United States Government : Provided further, Pro ductio n of Gov- That any industry established under authority of this Act be so not curtailed . o perated as not t o curtail the pr oduction within i ts present limit s, of any existing arsenal, navy yard, or other Government workshop . SEC . 6. The inmates of sai d institutions shall be emp lo yed in Employment of in- s uch man ner and un der su ch cond iti ons as the At tor ney Gen era l may direct . The Attorney General may, in his discretion, establish Articles, etc , manu- industries, plants, factories, or shops for the manufacture of articles, factured, to be par- commodities, and supplies for the United States Government


chased by Federal de- the several Federal departments and all other Government institu- market pricesetc ., at tions of the United States shall purchase at not to exceed current market prices such products of the industries herein authorized