Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/455

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. II . Cu. 341. 1930 . electric current, telegraph and telephone service, express and freight charges, rent outside the District of Columbia, and for all other necessary supplies and expenses, as follows ofH Ch ief of Bue lau, and For necessary expenses for general administrative purposes, includ- ing the salary of chief of bureau and other personal services in the District of Colu mbia, $5 8,540 . Chemical investiga- Agricultural chemical investigations : For conducting the investi- ti Vol. 12, p. 387 . gations contemplated by the Act of May 15, 1862 (U . S . C ., title u.S.C.,p.56. 5 , set s . 511, 512), relating to the applica tion of chemistry to agricul- Biological food and t u re ; for the biolo gical inv estig ation of food and d rug produ cts drug products.

and substances used in the manufacture thereof, including investi- gations of the physiological effects of such products on the human organism ; to cooperate with associations and scientific societies in the development of methods of analysis, $340,000 . Utilizing raw mate . ris k for c olorant s .

Color investigations : For investigation and experi ment in the . utilization, for coloring, medicinal, and technical purposes, of raw materials grown or produced in the United States, in cooperation w ith such perso ns, assoc iatio ns, or co rpora tion s as may b e fo und building . Ar lin gton Far m n ecessar y, including repairs, alterations, improvements, or additions to a building on the Arlington Experimental Farm, $88,000 . Table sirup, etc . Sirup and sugar investigations : For the investigation and devel- opment of methods for the manufacture of table sirup and sugar and of methods for the manufacture of sweet sirups by the utilization of new agricultural sources, $37,600. gicidei Insecticide and nvestigationsrun- Insecticide and fungicide investigations : For the investigation and . development of methods of manuacturing insecticides and fungi- cides, and for investigating chemical problems relating to the com- position, action, and application of insecticides and fungicides, Plant dust explosions, $1 00,000. etc .

Plant dust explosions and farm fires : For the investigation and in . Methods ethods for prevent- development of methods for the prevention of farm fires and of grain-dust, smut-dust, and other dust explosions not otherwise pro- vided for and resulting fires, including fires in cotton gins and cotton- oil mills, independently or in cooperation with individuals, associa- tions, or corporations, $51,500 . Inv nve t tig ores° ations, dem- Naval stores investigations : For the investigation and demonstra- onstrations, etc . tio n of imp roved met hods or processe s of pre paring na val stor es, the weighing, handling, transportation, and the uses of same, in coopera- tion with individuals and companies, including the employment of necessary persons and means in the city of Washington and else- where, $32,000 . tion, soi l etc ., types, eom investjga ':

Soil che mical in vestigati ons : For chemical investigations of soil tions. types, soil composition, and soil minerals, the soil solution, solubility of soil and all chemical properties of soils in their relation to soil formation, soil texture, and soil productivity, including all routine che mical wo rk in con nection with the soil su rvey, $40 ,000 . tiv ity o fy Physical rod no-

Soil physical investigations : For physical investigations of the f soils. important properties of soil which determine productivity, such as mois ture rela tions, a erations , heat c onductiv ity, text ure, and other physical investigations of the various soil classes and soil types, Fertilizers .

$18,100 . Fertilizer investigations : For investigations within the United States of fertilizers and other soil amendments and their suitability for agricultural use, $345,000 . veyooperative sails cur- Soil survey : For the investigation of soils, in cooperation with other branches of the Department of Agriculture, other departments of the Government, State agricultural experiment stations, and other State institutions, and for indicating upon maps and plats, by color- ing or otherwise, the results of such investigations, $3 10,000 .