Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/523

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S EVE NTY -FI RST CONGRESS . SEss . II. CHs. 352, 353 . 1930 . C olst 34, r p.84.. th e Act e ntitled "Am Act to regula te the constr uction of bri dges over navigable waters," approved March 23, 1906, and subject to the conditions and limitations contained in this Act . Toll rates adjusted to SEC. 2. If tolls are charged for the use of _such bridges, the rates sring fund, op erati on, ati° u' of toll shall be so adjusted as to provide a fund sufficient to pay the re asonable cost of maintaini ng, repairin g, and operat ing the bri dges a nd the ir appr oaches under econo mical manage ment, and to pro vide a sinkin g fund suffic ient to amor tize the cost of the bridges and their approaches, including reasonable interest and financing cost, in accordance with the laws of the State of South Carolina applicable thereto, but within a period of not to exceed twenty-five years from the completion thereof . After a sinking fund sufficient for such amortization shall have been so provided, bridges after a amortiz - ing costs -

tolls. An accurate record of the costs of the bridges and their turresnil receipts, nom- approaches, the expenditures for maintaining, repairing, and oper- ating the same, and of the daily tolls collected, shall be kept and shall be available for the information of all persons interested . nfierred.t o sell, etc ., SE C. 3 . The right to sell, assign, transfer, and mortgage the rights, powers, and privileges conferred by this Act is hereby granted to the Boar d of C ounty Commis sioner s of G eorget own Cou nty, a nd the ir successors in office, for the purposes of and in accordance with the provisions of the act of the Legislature of the State of South Caro- lin a a utho rizi ng t he cons truc tion of the bri dges aut hor ized by this Act . And any corporation to which or any person to whom such rights, powers, and privileges may be sold, assigned, or .transferred, or who shall acquire the same by mortgage foreclosure or .o the rwi se, is hereby authorized and empowered to exercise the same as though fully conferred upon such corporation or person . South Csralina may ,SEC. 4. Durin g the constr uction or aft er the c ompletion of the acquire all rights, etc .,


p by purchase, etc. bridges authorized by this Act the State of South Carolina or the highway department t hereof may at any time acq uire and tak e over all right, title, and interest in such bridges and their approaches, and any interest in real estate necessary therefor, by purchase or by condemnation, in accordance with the laws of the State of South Carolina governing the acquisition of private property for public purposes by condemnation or expropriation . Amendment.

SEC. 5 . The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act `is ' hereby expressly reserved . Approved, May 29, 1930 . May 2D, 1930 .

CHAP . 353 .-An Act Authorizing the exchange of certain real properties

(5 .4181 .1 situ ated in Mo bile , Ala bama, between the Secretary of Com merce on b ehalf of (Public, No . 28 3 .] the United State s Gover nment and the Gulf , Mobi le and Northe rn Rai lroad Company, by the appropriate conveyances containing certain conditions and reservations . Choctaw Point Light- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives o the house Reservatio n,Ala . United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the e cre- C oaveya nce of, to the Gulf, Mobile an d tary of Commerce is hereby authorized to convey by quitclaim deed Compan y Railroad to the Gulf, Mobile and Northern Railroad Company, the Choctaw Point Lighthouse Reservation, Mobile County, Alabama, described by metes and bounds as follows Description . A tract of land situated in the southeast corner of section 37, township 4 south, range 1 west, Saint Stephens meridian, Alabama, the northern boundary of which is four and eight hundred and for ty-f ive one -tho usan dths ch ains tru e so uth of a po int four ch ains north eighty-two degrees twelve minutes west true from the eastern end of the northern boundary of section 37 . From the above-men-