Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/535

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SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS . SEss . II. CH . 375. 1930 . J une 2,19 30.

CHAP. 375 .-An Act Granting pensions and increase of pensions to certain [S .476 .] soldiers, sailors, and nurses of the war with Spain, the Phil ippine i nsurrecti on, [Public, No. 299.] or the China relief expedition, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the Pensions .

United States o f America in Congress assembled, That all persons For 90 days' service, p- who served ninety days or more in the military or naval service of war with Spain, Philip- pine insurrection, or the United States during the war with Spain, the Philippine insur- China relief expedition . rection, or the China relief expedition, and who have been honor- Or if discharged for ably discharged therefrom, or who, having served less than ninety di sab ilit y

days, were discharged for disability incurred in the service in line of duty, and who are now or who may hereafter be suffering from Vol.44,p. 382, amend. any mental or physical disability or disabilities of a permanent ad U. S. C., Supp. IV, ch aracter which so incapaci tates th em for t he perfo rmance of manual p.522.

labor as to render them unable to earn a support, shall, upon making Post , p. loss,

due proof of the fact, according to such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may provide, be placed upon the list of invalid pensions of the United States and be entitled to receive a pension not exceeding $60 a month and not less than $20 a month, proportioned to the degree of inability to earn a support, and in determining such inability each and every infirmity shall be du ly classifica- considered and the aggregate of the disabilities shown shall be rated . These rates to be fixed as follows : $20 a month for one-tenth dis- ability ; $25 a month for one-fourth disability ; $35 a month for one- Provisos.

half disability ; $50 a month for three-fourths disability ; and $60 Increases after age of a month for total : Provided, That any such person who has reached s2.

the age of sixty-two years shall, upon making proof of such fact, be placed upon the pension roll and entitled to receive a pension of $30 a month ; in case such person has reached the age of sixty- eight years, $40 a month ; in case such perso n has reached the age of seventy-two years, $50 a month ; and in case such person Leaves of absence in- has reached the age of seventy-five years, $60 a month : Provided eluded as in service. further, That all leaves of absence and furloughs under General Female contract Orders, Numbered 130, August 29, 1898, War Department, shall be nu rse s, inc luded in determin ing the period o f pensio nable ser vice : P ro vi de d f ur th e r, That the provisions, limita tions, and benefits of this section be, and hereby are, extended to and shall include any woman who served honorably as a nurse, chief nurse, or superintendent of the Nurse Corps under contract for ninety days or more between April 21, 1898, and February 2, 1901, inclusive, and to any such nurse, regardless of length of service, who was released from service before the expiration of the ninety days because of disability contracted by her while in the service in line of duty . SEC . 2 . Any soldier, sailor, or marine or nurse now on the pension roll or who may be hereafter entitled to a pension under the Act of June 5, 1920, or under that Act as amended by the Act of Septem- ber 1, 1922, or under the Act of May 1, 1926, or under this Act on account of his service during the war with Spain, the Philippine insurrection, or China relief expedition, who is now or hereafter may become, on account of age or physical or mental disabilities, helpless or blind, or so nearly helpless or blind as to need or require the regular aid and attendance of another person, shall be given arateof$72amonth: Provided, That no one while an inmate of the United States Soldiers' Home or of any national or State soldiers' home shall be paid more than $50 per month under this Act . SEc . 3 . That all persons who served seventy days or more in the military or naval service of the United States during the war with Spa in, the Philippin e insurr ection, or the C hina reli ef exped ition, and who ha ve been honorably discharged t herefrom, and who are now or who may hereafter be suffering from any mental or physical Rating . Di sabi lit y tion. Increase for pensioner helpless by age, dis- ability, etc ., requiring an attendant . Vol .41,p . 982; Vol . 42, p . 834; Vol .44,p. 38 2. U .S. C., Supp.IV, p. 517 . Proviso . Soldiers' homes in. mates. For 70 days service war with Spain, Philip- pine insurrection, or China relief expedition . Or if discharged for disa bility .