Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/6

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LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS . Bridge, French Broad River . An Act To grant the con se nt of Con gre ss to the Hi ghw ay Department of the State of Tennessee to maintain a bridge across the French Broad River on th e New port-A shevi lle (N orth Carolina) Road near the town of Del Rio in Cocke County, Tennessee . January 11,1930 Virginia western judicial district . An Act To amend title 28, section 192, United States Code, in respect to the terms of court in the western judicial district of Virginia . January 20, 193 0 Iceland millenial of Althing . Joint Resolution Making an appropriation for participation by the United States in the celebration of the one thousandth anniversary o f the Althing, the National Parliament of Iceland . January 20, 1930 Pol and , ambassador . Joint Resolution Authorizing the appointment of an ambassa dor to Poland . January 22,1930 Porto Rico hurricane . Joint Resolution To authorize additional appropriations for the relief of Porto Rico . J anuary 22,193 0 George Washington Birthplace Memorial . An Act Authorizing an appropriation for improve- ment s u pon the Go ver nme nt- own ed l and at Wa kefi eld , Westmoreland C oun ty, Virginia, the birthplace of George Washington . January 23, 1930 Public lands, oil and gas permits . An Act To grant extensions of time on oil and gas prospect- ing permits . January 23, 1930 Mount Vernon Memorial Highway, Va. Joint Resolution To amend sections 3 and 4 of the Act entitled "An Act to authorize an d direct the survey, construction, a nd maintenance of a memorial highway to connect Mount Vernon, in the State of Virginia, with the Arlington Memorial Bridge across the Pot oma c Riv er at Washington ." Ja nua ry 23, 1930 Bridge, Gasconade River. An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the Jerome Bridge Company, a corporation, to maintain a bridge already constructed across the Gascon- ade Ri ver n ear J erome, Miss ouri . January 24, 1930 Army tents, etc ., to Confederate Veterans, Biloxi, Miss . An Act Authorizing and directing the Secretary of War to lend to the Governor of Mississippi two hundred and fifty pyramidal tents, complete ; fifteen 16 feet by 80 feet by 40 feet assembly tents ; thirty 11 feet by 50 feet by 15 feet hospital-ward tents ; ten thousand blankets, olive drab, numbered 4 ; five thousand pillowcases ; five thousand canvas cots ; five thousand cotton pillows ; five thousand bed sacks ; ten thousand bed sheets ; twenty field ranges, numbered 1 ; ten field bake ovens ; fifty water bags (for ice water) ; to be used at the encam pmen t of the Unite d Con fede rate Vete rans, to be he ld a t Bil oxi, Miss issi ppi, in June, 193 0 . January 24,1930 Bridge, Hudson River . An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the construction of a hig hway bridge across the Hudson River between the cities of Albany and Ren sselaer, New York . January 24, 1930 Bridge, Tennessee River . An A ct Gr anting the consen t of Congr ess to the Highw ay Dep art- ment of the State of Tennessee to constru ct, maintain, and operate a bridge a cross the Tennessee Ri ver on the Dayton-Decatur Road b etw een Rh ea and Me igs Counties, Tennessee. January 24,1930 Bridge, Clinch River . An Ac t Gra nting the consent of Congress to the H ighwa y Depa rtmen t of th e State of Tennessee to construct a bridge across the Clinch River near Kingston, in Roane County, Tennessee . January 24,1930 District of Columbia, free schoolbooks. An Act To provide books and educational supplies free of charge to pupils of the public schools of the District of Columbia . Ja nua ry 31, 1930 Appropriation, Radio Commission . Joint Reso lutio n Maki ng an addit ional appr opriat ion for the sup port of the Federal Radio Commission during the fiscal year 1930 in acco rd- ance with the Act appro ved De cembe r 18, 1929 . February 1, 1930 Joint committee on pay adjustment, Army, etc . Joint Resolution For the appoi ntment ofa joint committee of the Senate and House of Representatives to investigate the pay and allowances of the commissioned and enl ist ed personnel of the Army, Nav y, Marine Corps, Co ast Guard, Co ast and Geo de tic Su rv ey, and Pub lic Health Service . Feb- ruary 3, 1930 Haiti conditions . Joint Resolution Providing for a study and review of the policies of the United States in Haiti . February 6, 1930 Bridge, Missouri River . An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the Wabash Railway Company to construct, maintain, and operate a railroad bridge across the Missouri River at or near Saint Charles, Missouri . February 7, 1930 Se wer, etc ., Grand Riv er . An Act To legalize a combined sewer and submarine cable con- structed under the Gra nd Ri ver ne ar the pu mpi ng sta ti on on Mar ket Avenue at Grand Rapids, Michigan . February 7,1930 . Niobrara Island, Nebr . An Act To authorize the State of Nebraska to make additional use of Niobra ra Is land, February 7, 1930 Br idge , Mobile Bay . An Act To extend the times for co mm enc ing and com pl eti ng the con- struction ofa bridge across the water between the mainland at or near Cedar Point and Daup hin Isl and, A labama . February 7, 19 30 Br idge, Mis sissi ppi River . An Act To exte nd the time for c omple ting the co nstru ction of the approaches of the municipal bridge across the Mississippi River at Saint Louis, Missouri . February 7,1930 Page. 55 56 57 57 57 58 58 59 60 60 61 61 62 62 63 63 63 64 64 64 65 65