Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/635

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS .' SRss . II . Cx .497. 1930. SCH ED ULE 3.

PAR. 19. Casein or lactarene and mixtures of which casein or chemicals, oils, and paints.

lactarene is the component material of chief value, not specially casein.

provided for, 51 cents per pound . Chalk. PAR. 20. Chalk or whiting or Paris white : Dry, ground, or bolted, four-tenths of 1 cent per pound ; precipitated, 25 per centum ad valorem ; ground in oil (putty), three-fourths of 1 cent per pound ; put up in the form of cubes, blocks, sticks, or disks, or otherwise, including tailors', billiard, red, and manufactures of chalk not spe- cially provided for, 2 5 per ce ntum ad valorem . chemfca1com- po unds of gold, etc .

PAP .. 21. Chemical compounds, mixtures, and salts, of which gold, platinum, rhodium, or silver costitutes te element of chief value, 25 per centum ad valorem . Bismuth .

PAP .. 22 . Chemical compounds, salts, and mixtures of bismuth, 35 Me dic inac apsu les , per

valorem . et PAR . 23 . Chemicals, drugs, medicinal and simil ar subst ances, whether dutiable or free, when imported in capsules, pills, tablets, lozenges, troches, ampoules, jubes, or similar forms, including powders put up in medicinal doses, shall be dutiable at not less than 25 per centum ad valorem . Ch emi cal elem ent s

PA and medicinal com°

R. 24. Chemical elements, and chemical and medicinal com- pounds, , ec ., contain- pounds, preparations, mixtures, and salts, distilled or essential oils, expressed or extracted oils, animal oils and greases, ethers and esters, flavoring and other extracts, and natural or synthetic fruit flavors, fruit esters, oils and essences, all the foregoing and their combina- tions when containing alcohol, and all articles consisting of vegetable or mineral objects immersed or placed in, or saturated with, alcohol, except perfumery and spirit varnishes, and all alcoholic compounds n ot spec ially pr ovided for, if contain ing 20 p er cent um of a lcoh ol or less, 20 cents per pound and 25 per centum ad valorem ; contain- ing more than 20 per centum and not more than 50 per centum of alcohol, 40 cents per pound and 25 per centum ad valorem ; contain- ing more than 50 per centum of alcohol, 80 cents per pound and 25 per centum ad valorem . Ch icle .

PAR. 25. Chicle, refined or advanced in value by drying, straining, o r any o ther pro cess or treatme nt what ever bey ond tha t essent ial to Chloral hydrate, etc. thP proper 6 . pCh oral hydrateeterp nn hydrate, thymol, and glycero- p hosphor ic acid, and sa lts and compoun ds of gl yceroph osphoric acid, 35 per centum ad valorem ; diethylbarbituric acid and salts and com- pounds thereof, $2.50 per pound ; ethyl-hydrocupreine and salts and Co al-t ar prod ucts . compounds thereof, 20 cents per ounce . PAR. 27 . Coal-tar products Notenedicinal. (a) (1) Acetanilide not suitable for medicinal use, alphanaph- thol, aminobenzoic acid, aminonaphthol, aminophenetole, amino- phenol, aminosalicylic acid, aminoanthraquinone, aniline oil, aniline salt, anthraquinone, arsanilic acid, benzaldehyde not suitable for meicinal use, benzal chloride benzanthrone, benzidine, benzidine sulfate, benzoic acid not suitable for medicinal use, benzoquinone be nzo yl c hlor ide ,ben zyl chl orid e, benz yle thyl anil ine ,bet a-n apht hol not ' suitable for medicinal use, bromobenzene, chlorobenzene, chloroph- thalic acid, cinnamic acid, cumidine, dehydrothiotoluidine, diamino- stilbene, dianisidine, dichlorophthalic acid, dimethyl aniline, dimeth- yl ami noph enol , dimethylphenylbenzylammonium hydroxide, di- met hyiphen ylenedia mine, d initrobe nzene, dinitroc hlorobe nzene, d ini- tronaphthalene, dinitrophenol, dinitrotoluene, dihydroxynaphtha- lene, diphenylamine, hydroxyphenylarsinic acid, metanilic acid, methylanthraquinone, naphthylamine, nap hth ylen edia min e, n itro - aniline, nitroanthraquinone, nitrobenzaldeh de i nitrobenzene, nitro- naphthalene, nitrophenol, nitrophenylenediamine, nit rosodim ethy~ .- an ili ne, nitrotoluene, nitr otoluyle nediami ne, phenylenediamine,