Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/739

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INTERNAL-REVENUE TAX . shipments for c on- The shipment or delivery of manufactured tobacco, snuff, cigars, snmption Outside United States, tax free . or cigarettes, for consumption b eyond the jurisdiction of the inter nal- R.S. see. 3448, p. 68s. revenue laws of the United States, as defined by section 3448 of U.S. C.,p. 843. the Revised Statutes, shall be deemed exportation within the meaning o f the cu stoms an d interna l-revenu e laws a pplicabl e to the exporta- tion of such articles without payment of duty or internal-revenue tax . Emergencies.

SEC. 318 . EMERGENCIES. President may cc tend time for perform- Whenever the President shall by proclamation declare an emer- ance of an y act, etc., in case of . g ency to exist by reason of a state of war, or otherwise, he may authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to extend during the con- tinuance of such emergency the time herein prescribed for the per- formance of any act, and may authorize the Secretary of the Treas- ury to permit, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treas- ury may prescribe, the importation free of duty of food, clothing, and medical, surgical, and other supplies for use in emergency r el ief w ork . The Secretary of th e Treasury shall report to the Co ngress a ny action taken u nder the provisi ons of t his secti on . Free importation of fo od, med ical su pplies, etc . Por to Rico . SEC. 319 . DUTY ON COFFEE IMPORTED INTO PORTO RICO . Legislature of, may impose duty on imports The Legislature of Porto Rico is hereby empowered to impose of coffee grown in a tariff duties upon coffee imported into Porto Rico, including coffee foreign country . Ante, p. 878 .

grown in a foreig n country coming into Porto Rico from the United , States. Such duties shall be collected and accounted for as now provided by law in the case of duties collected in Porto Rico . SEC. 320. RE CIP ROCA L AG REE MENT S RE LAT ING TO A DVE RTIS ING MATTER . With the advice and consent of the President, the Secretary of the Treasury and the Postmaster General, jointly, may, on behalf of the United States, enter into a reciprocal agreement with any foreign country to provide for the entry free of duty in the respective co untries of dispatches or shipments through the mails of circulars, folders, pamphlets, books, and cards, in the nature of advertising matter (except such matter as may be printed, manufactured, or produced in a foreign country, advertising the sale of articles by persons carrying on business in the United States or containing announceme nts relating to the merchandis e or business of such persons) to individual addressees, and may, in the event any such agreement is entered into, prescribe such rules and regulations as they may deem necessary relating to the customs and postal treatment of such matter in the United States . Part II--United State s Tariff Commission SEC. 330. ORGANIZATION OF THE COMMISSION. (a) MEMBERSHIP.-The United Sta tes Tariff Commission (r eferred to in this title as the " comm ission ") shall be c ompo sed of six commissioners to be hereafter appointed by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, but each member now in office shall continue to serve until his successor (as designated by the Pres ident at the time of nomi nation) takes off ice, but in no event for longer than ninety days after the effective date of this A c t . No person shall be eligible for appointment as a commis- sioner unless he is a citizen of the United States, and, in the jud gment of the Pres ident, i s posses sed of q ualificat ions req uisite Advertising matter . Free entry author- ized of circulars, etc., mailed to individual addressees, by recip- ro cal agr eem ents wit h fore ign cou ntries . Tar iff Com miss ion . Organization. Composed of six membe rs appo inted by the President . Vol. 39, p .795. U.S.C.,p . 529. Eligibility.