Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/834

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHs . 556,559-561 . 1930 .

791 lar session of the present Congress, in December, 1930, their con- clusions and recommendations with reference to the suitable repre- sentation at and participation in the Chicago World's Fair Cen- tennial Celebration, known as the Century of Progress Exposition, at Chicago, Illinois, in the year 1933, on the part of the Govern- ment of the United States and its various departments and activities . Approved, June 20, 1930 . CHAP . 559 .-An Act To authorize issuance of certificates of repatriation to

[$. Ju ne 21, 10668. 1 930 i 1930. certain veterans of the World War. [Publi c, No . 402 .] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the twelf th ali e Naturalization of subdivi sion o f sect ion 4 of the Natur alizati on Act of Ju ne 29, 1906, Vol.40,p.545 . as amended, is amended by adding at the end thereof the following u .S.C.,p.123. paragraph "Any individual who claims to have resumed his citizenship under atiCertificate on for of repatri- expatriatewho the provisions of this subdivision may, upon the payment of a fee of claims to have resumed $1, make application to the Commissioner of Naturalization, accom- citizenship . panie d by two p hoto graph s of the appli cant, for a ce rtifi cate of repatriation . Upon proof to the satisfaction of the commissioner Proof of resu mption . th at the appli cant i s a ci tizen and th at the citize nship was re sumed as claimed, such individual shall be furnished a certificate of repatriation by the commissioner, but only if such individual is at the time within the United States . The certificate of repatriation Force of c ertif icat e . issued under this subdivision shall have the same effect as a certifi- cate issued by a court having naturalization jurisdiction, and the provisions of subdivisions (b) and (c) of section 33 shall apply in vol . 45, p. 1516. respect of proceedings and certificates of repatriation under this subdivision in the same manner and to the same extent, including penalties, as they apply in respect of proceedings and certificates of citizenship issued under such section ." Approved, June 21, 1930 . June 21, 1930 . CHAP . 560 .-An Act To transfer certain lands to the Ouachita National [H . R . 10780 .] Forest, Arkansas .

[Public, No. 403 .] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the south- west quarter southeast quarter of section 24, township 4 north, range 28 west, fifth principal meridian, be, and the same is hereby, trans- ferred to and made a part of the Ouachita National Forest, in the State of Arkansas, and shall hereafter be administered subject to the laws and regulations relating to the national forest . Approved, June 21, 1930 . Ouachita National Forest, Ark. Lands added to. June 21, 1930 . CHAP. 561 .-An Act To provide for the addition of certain lands to the [H . R. 11784.] Rocky Mountain National Park, in the State of Colorado .

[Public, No. 404.] Be in enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President Rocky MountainNa. of the United States is hereby authorized, upon the recommendation bonds Park, Colo . of the Secretary of the Inteior, and wih respect to lands located authorized . of lands t in a national forest upon the joint recommendation of the Secre- taries of the Interior and of Agriculture, to add to the Rocky Moun-