Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/870

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SEVE NTY -FI RST CON GRESS . SEss. II. CHs . 656, 657, 709 . 1930 .

827 CHAP. 656 .-Joint Resolution Establishing a commission for the participa- tion of the United States in the observance of the three hundredth anniversary of the founding of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, authorizing an appropriation to be utilized in connection with such observance, and for other purposes . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, Th at th ere is hereby established a commission to be known as the United States Massachusetts Bay Colony Tercentenary Commission (herein- after referred to as the commission) and to be composed of fifteen commissioners, as follows : Five per sons to be a ppoi nted by the President of the United States, five Senators by the President of the Senate, and five Members of the House of Representatives by the Speaker of the Ilouse of Representatives . The c omm issi on shall serve without compensation and shall select a chairman from among their number . SEC . 2. There is hereby aut ho riz ed to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treas ury n ot oth erwis e app ropri ated, the sum of $10,00 0, to be e xpende d by the commission for actual and neces- sary traveling expenses and subsistence, while discharging its official duties outside the District of Columbia . Ap proved , Jun e 27, 1930 . CHAP. 709 .-An Act To authorize the creation of game sanctuaries or refuges within the Ocala National Forest in the State of Florida . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United States be, and he is hereby, authorized to designate as game refu ges such lan ds of the Un ited Sta tes wit hin the Ocal a National Forest, in the State of Florida, as in his judgment should be set a side for the pro tection of game animals a nd birds , but it is not inte nded tha t the la nds so d esignate d shall c ease to be parts of the national forest within which they are located, and the establish- ment of such game sanctuaries or refuges shall not prevent the Sec- retary of Agriculture from permitting other uses of the lands under and in conformity with the laws and regulations applicable thereto June 27, 1930. [H. J . Res. 306.1 [Pub. Res., No.101.1 U nited Sta tes A lassa f chusetts Bay Colony Tercentenary Co mmi s- sion. Composition of. No compensatio n . Chairman to be elected . Sum authorized . Post, p. 1023. June 27, 1930 . CHAP. 657 .-Jo int Res olut ion Aut hori zing pa ymen t of the claim of the [lL J . Res . 322 .] Norwegian Government for interest upon money advanced by it in connection [Pub. Res., No. 102.1 wi th the protec tion of Ameri can int erests in Russ ia . Resolved by the Senate and House o f Representatives o the United Stat es o f America in Congress assem bled, That the Secre- Pame y i to, of inter tary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, directed to pay to the est on sums advanced r

by, for care of Ameri- Government of Norway, as an act of grace and without reference can interests in Russia, to the question of legal liability, an amount equal to 61/2 per c entum interest upon 58,480 kroner from February 24, 1920, to December 8, 1920, and upon 65,162 .97 kroner from December 8, 1920, to July 13, 1925, the sums advanced by the Government of Norway in co n- nection with the care by its representatives of American interests in Mos co w, Ru ssi a, during the years 19 18 and 1919, together with 61 /2 per centum interest on the unpaid interest from July 13, 1925, to the date of p ayment pursuant to this joint resolution, not to Available app ropria exceed in all $8,500 ; and the appropriation for the "Relief, pro- ties ° tection, and transportation of American citizens in Europe," made by the Act approved April 17, 1917, is here by ma de ava ilabl e for the payment of the claim aforesaid . Ap proved , Jun e 27, 1030 . Vol. 40, p. 3. June 28 . 1930. [8. 1959 .] [Public, No . 466 .] Ocala National For- est. Fla. ands within, may be designated as game sanctuaries.