Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/881

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SEV ENT Y-FI RST CONGRESS . SEss . II. Cias . 764-766 . 1930 . June 80,193 0.

CHAP. 764.-An Act To amen d the Act of March 3, 1917 , an Act making [H. R.9408.1

appropriations for the general expenses of the District of Columbia . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the District of Columbia. United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Act of Relive Y 1043 water Ma rch 3, 1917, making appro priations for the general expenses of from wate r mains of, the District of Columbia, and wherein appropriations are made for to Washington Subur- ban . Sanitary Com . the water department, that paragraph six be amended to read as mission.

follows : " For the protection of the health of the residents of the District of Columbia and the employees of the United States Govern- men t residing in Maryland nea r the Distri ct of Columbi a boundary the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, upon the request of the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, a body corporate, established by chapter 313 of the acts of 1916 of the State of Mary- land, or upon the request of its legally appointed successor, are hereby authorized to deliver water from the water-supply system of the District of Columbia to said Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission or its successor, for distribution to territory in Mary- land within the Washington suburban sanitary district as desig- nated in the aforesaid act, and to connect District of Columbia water mai ns with water mains in the State of Ma ryland at the following aesig° po ints, namel y, in the v icinit y of Chevy Chase Circl e, in the v icinit y nated . of the intersection of Georgia and Eastern Avenues, in the vicinity of the intersection of Rhode Island and Eastern Avenues, in the vicinity of the intersection of the Anacostia Road and Eastern Ave- nue, and in the vicinity of Forty-seventh and Fessenden Streets northwest, under the conditions hereinafter named : Provided, That all expense of making the connection shall be borne by the Wash- ington Suburban Sanitary Commission," App roved, June 3 0, 1930 . [Public, No . 484 .1 Con nec tio ns Prov iso . Expense . June 30, 1930. [H. R . 11 409 .] [Public, No. 485 .] CHAP. 765 .-An Act To authorize the erection of a tablet in the F ort Sumter Military Reservation to the memory of the garrison at Fo rt Sumter during the siege of 1861 . Be it enacted by the Senate a nd House of R epr esen tati ves of the For t sumt io Mili- ta ry Reservation .

United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary Tablet to memory of of War is authorized and directed to erect, on such site as he may gar rison at, during 1861, auth orized . Select, in the Fort Sumter Military Reservation, an appropriate tablet to the memory of the garrison at Fort Sumter during the siege of 1861 : Provided, That the said tablet shall contain the name of each member of said garrison . SEC. 2 . There is authorized to be appropriated the sum of $2,500, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to carry out the provisions of this Act . Appro ved, June 30 , 1930 . Provi so . Inscription of . Sum authorized. Post, p. 1609. June 30, 1930. [H. R. 122 85 .1 [Public, No . 486 .] Postal Service . Purchase of motor- truck parts for, from manu factur ers, au. thorized CHAP. 766.-An Act To authorize the Postmaster General to purchase motor-truck parts from the truck manufacturer . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f A merica in Con gress assemb led, That whenever motor-truck parts are needed by the Post Office Department in the operation of motor trucks, the Postmaster General is hereby author- ized to enter into agreements with truck manufacturers for the pur- chase of such truck parts at a price not exceeding the truck manu- facturer's list price, less regular discounts, without advertising under such arrangements as in the opinion of the Postmaster General will be most advantageous to the Gover nment . Approved , June 30, 1 930 .