Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/964

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SEVE NTY-F IRST C ONGRESS . SEss . II. CH. 847 . 1930 .

921 Delaware River, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware, in To the sea. accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered 304, Seventy-first Congress, second session . Delaware River at Camden, New Jersey, in accordance with the At Camden, N . J. report submitted in House Document Numbered 111, Seventieth Congress, first session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said do cument . Schuylkill River, Pennsy lvania : The existing project is he reby Schuylkill River, Pa . modified in accordance with the report submitted in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 40, Seventy-first Congress, second session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said docu- ment . Harbor of Refuge, Delaware Bay, Delaware, in accordance with Harbor or Refuge. Del. repor t submit ted in Ri vers and Harbors Committe e Docume nt Numbered 15, Seventieth Congress, first session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document . Big Tim ber Cree k, New Je rsey, in accorda nce with the repo rt N.J . Timber Creek, submitted in House Document Numbered 217, Seventieth Congress, first session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document Provi ded, That no expense shal l be incurred by the Unite d States Proviso. for the acquiring of any lands required for the purpose of this No expe nse. improvement . j Wilmington Harbor, Delaware, in accordance with the report Wilming ton, Del. submitted in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 20, Seventy-first Congress, second session : Provided, That the north Removal c jetty . etty at the entrance to Chr istiana River may be modified or removed in the discretion of the Secretary of War . Little Machipongo River, Virginia, in accordance with the report Ri ver, Little Machipongo submitted in House Document Numbered 260, Seventy-first Congress, second session . Wicomico River, Maryland : The existing project is hereby modi- Md icomico River, fled so as to provide for a channel twe lve feet deep and one hundred

. Existingprojeetmod- feet wide below the Main Street Bridge, Salisbury, at an estimated 'fled . cost of $6 6,710, and for dredging the s hoals at a cost not to exceed the sum of $8,290 : Provided, That the work herein authorized shall P Local rovi ocontributions not be com menced until local interests shall have furnished, without r e q u i r e d . cost to the United States, suitable areas for the disposal of the ma- terial to be dredged : Provide d further, That the amount hereby p Limitation on ex. authorized to be expended upon the said project shall not exceed the sum of $75,000 . Baltimor e Harbor and Chan nels, Ma ryland, in accord ance wit h Ba ltim ore, Md . Project for improv- the reports submitted in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document ing harbor and chan- Numbe red 11, Seven tieth Congres s, first ses sion, and Hou se Docu- nets, modified . ment Numbe red 29, Seventy-first Congres s, first session, and subject to the conditions set forth in the aforesaid Document Numbered 11 . Herring Bay and Herring Bay and Rockhole Creek, Maryland, in accordance with Ro ckhole Creek Md the rec ommendation of the distri ct and divisi on engineers in the report submitted in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Num- bered 34, Seventy-first Congress, second session : Provided, That the Proviso . cost to th e United States for prosecuti ng the project hereby adopted Cost restriction . shall not exceed the sum of $6,300 . Water way c onnec ting Tang ier S ound with Chesa peake Bay ' Wa terwa y, Ta ngier y



y7 Sound to Chesap eake Maryl and, in accor dance with th e report sub mitted in Hou se Docu- Bay. ment Numbered 313, Seventy-first Congress, second session, and subject to the condition set forth in s aid document .

Ch opt ank River, Choptank River, Maryland, in accordance with the report sub- Mdd mitted in House Document Numbered 188, Seventieth Congress, first session .