Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1011

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. June 28, 1929. 2619 destinataire constatant qu'll n'a p8.S reQu l'envoi. Dans ce C8.S, l'Office d'origine complete la for- mule en y indiquant les donnOOs de la transmission au premier Office intermediaire. n l'adresse ensuite A ce dernier Office, qui y consigne ses observations et la transmet eventuellement Al'Office suivant. La reclamation passe ainsi d'Office A Office jusqu'A ce que Ie sort de l'envoi reclame soit etabli. L'Office qui a effectue la remise au destinataire, ou qui, Ie C8.S echeant, ne peut etablir ni la remise, ni la transmission reguliere A une autre Administra- tion, constate Ie fait sur la fonnule et la renvoie A l'Office d'origine. 4. -Dans Ie C8.S prevu au § 2 ci-dessus, les recherches se pour- suivent depuis i'Office d'origine jusqu'A l'Office de destination en observant la procedure visee au paragraphe precedent. 5.- La formule 0 18 doit in- diquer l'adresse complete du des- tinataire et ~tre accompagnee, autant que possible, d'une fac- simile de l'enveloppe ou de la suscription de l'envoi. Elle est transmise d'office, sans lettre d'en- voi, sous enveloppe fermee. 6.- Chaque Office peut deman- der, par une notification &dres- see au Bureau international, que les reclamations qui concernent son service soient transmises, soit A son Administration centrale, soit A un bureau specialement dtSsigne ou, s'iI est seulement in- teresse A titre d'intermediaire, au bureau'd'echange auquel l'envoi a ete expedie. La formule 0 13 et les pieces y annexOOs doivent, dans tous les cas, faire retour A l'Office d'origine de l'envoi recl~eJ dans un delai qui ne peut exceaer six mois A partir de 10. date de la reclamation. Ce delai est porte ~ neuf mois dans les relations avec les pays eloignes. addressee stating that he h8.S not received the article. In this C8.Se the' Administration of origin com- pletes the form by indif3ating thereon the particulars of dis- patch to the first intermediate Administration. It then trans- mits it to this latter Administra- tion, which places its observa- tions thereon and sends it on to the follo~ Administration, if any. The mquiry thus passes from Administration to Adminis- tration until the disposal of the article inquired about is estab- lished. The Administration which has effected delivery to the addressee, or which, 8.S the case may be, can not prove either de- livery or regular transmission to another Administrationl shows the faCt on the form ana. returns it to the Administration of origin. 4. In the case provided for by InVestigations Sec . 2bo h' • through the ll8Veral non ave, t e mvestiga- AdministTatioDS. tions are continued from the Administration of origin 8.S far 8.S the Administration of desti- nation, observing the procedure indicated in the preceding Section. 5. The Form C 13 must indicate toi:,ta on inquiry the complete address of the ad- dressee and be accompanied, 8.S far 8.S possible, by a facsimile of the envelope or the address of the article. It is sent officially, with- out letter of transmittal, in a sealed envelope. 6. Ail b · y Ad~mfi'str~tionadmdresseday re- 19na~s:tA:~n to des- quest, y a notl cation to the International Bureau, that inquiries concerning its service be transmitted either to its central Administration or to an office specially designated, or, if it is interested only 8.S intermediary, to the exchange office to which the article W8.S dispatched. The Form C 13 and the_papers attached thereto must iD all cases be returned to the Administration of origin of the article inquired about within a period which may not exceed six months, counting from the date of the inquiry. This period is extended to nine months in relations with distant countries. Time limitation.