Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1034

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2642 UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. June 28,1929. CoIlSideration given k) liDcle statements. SiJIlCial settlement between two Powers. PO«, p. 2e91. Tnmsit charre ac- counts. AtItc, p.~. Lorsqu'une seulement des Ad- ministrations a fourni Ie releve 0 13, les indications de cette Ad- ministration font foi, A moins que Ie releve correspondant de l'Ad- ministration retardataire ne soit parvenu au Bureau international en temps opportun pour l'etablis- sement du proohain decompte general annuel. DansIe casprevuau§5de l'article precedent, les releves doivent porter la mention "Au- cune observation de l'Office de- biteur n'est parvenue dans Ie delai reglementaire", Si deu."'( Administrations se met- tent d'accord pour fsire un r~le­ ment special, leUl'B releves 0 29 portent la mention "Compte regie a part-a titre d'infonna- tion" et ne sont pas compris dans Ie decompte general annuel. 3. - u Bureau international etablit, a la fin de chaque annea, sur la base des releves qui lui sont parvenus jusque-la et qui sont consideres comme admis de plein droit, un deoompte ~eneral annuel des frais de traIlSlt. Le cas kkeam, il se conjorme a la reglejiUe a l'article 60, § 2, pour les payemem8 annuels. Le deoompte indique: a) Ie Doit et l'Avoir de chaque Office' b) I~ solde debiteur ou Ie solde cremteur de chaque Office; c) les sommes a payer par les Offices debiteUl'B; 4) les sommes A recevoir par les Offices cremteUl'B. Le Bureau international pour- voit a ce que Ie nombre des paye- mentB eifectues par les Offices debiteUl'B soit restreint dans la mesure du possible. Prompttnmsmi8slon. 4. -Les deoomptes generaux annuels doivent ~tre transmis aux Administrations par Ie Bu- reau international, aussitOt que When only one of the Adminis- trations has furnished the Form C 23, the indications of that Administration hold good, unless the corresponding statement is received by the International Bureau from the Administration in arrears in time for the making up of the next general annual account. In the case provided for by Section 5 of the preceding Article, the accounts mm:t bear the note "Aucune observation de l'Office debiteur n'est parvenue dans Ie delai reglemen taire" (No observa- tion received from the debtor Administration within the pre- scribed period). If two Administrations ~OTOO to make a special settlement, their Forms C 23 bear the note "Compte regie a part-a titre d'information" (Account settled separately-for purposes of infor- mation) and are not included in the general annual account. 3. The International Bureau makes up, at the end of each year, on the basis of the forms which have reached it up to that time and which are consid- ered as duly accepted, a general account of traIlSlt cha~es. If occasion arises, it complies with the rule laid down by Article 60, Section 2 for the annual pay- mentB. The account indicates: (a) The debit and credit of each Administration; (b) The debit or credit balance of each Administration; (c) The sums to be paid by the debtor Administrations; (d) The sums to be received by the creditor Administrations. The International Bureau sees that the number of 1!~entB made by the debtor A . tra- tions is limited as far as possible. 4. The general annual accounts must be transmitted to the Ad- ministrations by the International Bureau as soon as possible, and,