Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1036

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2644 Various provlsioDa. Reply coupons. Form, etc. Poat, p. 269f. Optkma. Annual settlement. Procedure. Pon, p. 28VII. UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. June 28,1929. TITRE VIII. DispositioIld diverses. CHAPITRE UNIQUE. ARTICLE 73. Coupons-reponse. 1. -Les coupons-reponse sont conformes au modele 0 26 ci- annexe et imprimes par les soins du Bureau international sur papier . p()rtant en filigrane les lettres U P U en ~:: caraderes. 2.-C haque A .. tration ala faculte: a) de donner aux coupons- reponse une perforation distinc- tive qui ne nuise pas A la lecture du texte et ne soit pas de nature A entraver la verification de ces valeurs; b) de modifier, A la main ou au moyen d'un procede d'im- pression, Ie prix de vente indique sur les coupons. 3.-La Bureau international foumit les coupons au prix coAtant. 4. -8auf entente contraire entre les Administrations interessees, les coupons echanges sont envoyes annuellement aux Administra- tions qui les ont emis avec l'indi- cation glob ale de leur nombre et de leur valeur. 5. -AussiMt que deux Adminis- trations se sont mises d'accord sur Ie nombre des coupons echanges dans leur relations re- ciproques, un releve (modele 017 ci-annexe), indiquant Ie solde debiteur ou credi.teur, est dresse par chacune des deux Adminis- trations et transmis par celles-ci au Bureau international. A de- faut d'accord entre deux Admi- nistrations dans un delai de six mois, l'Office crediteur etablit son decompte et l'envoie au Bureau international. Pour l'etablisse- ment de ce releve, la valeur du coupon est calculee A97~ centimes par unite. La Bureau interna- tional comprend Ie solde dans un decompte annuel. TITLE VIII VARIOUS PROVISIONS SOLE CHAPTER ARTICLE 73 Reply coupons 1. R~ply coupons conform to Model. C 26 hereto appended~ and are prmted by the International Bureau on paper bearing,_ in the watermark, the letters "U P U" in 18I'ge characters. 2. Each Administration has the option: a) of giving the reply coupons a distinctive perforation which does not interfere with the reading of the text and is not of such a nature as to hinder the verification of the coupons. b) of modifying, by hand or by means of a printing proc.e£S, the selling price indicated on the coupons. 3. The International Bureau f~hes the coupons at cost pnce. 4. B~ contrary apeement among the Administrations con- c~~rned, the coupons exchanged are sent annually to the Adminis- trations which have issued them, with indication of their total number and value. 5. As soon as two Administra- tions have come to an agreement as to the number of coupons ex- changed in their rec!ErocaJ. rela- tions, a statement (.lform C 27 hereto appended) indicating the debit or credit balance is ma.a.e up by each of the two Administra- tions and transmitted by them to the International Bureau. In the absence of an agreement between two Administrations within a period of six months, the creditor Administration makes up its ac- count and sends it to the Inter- national Bureau. For the mak- ing up of that account, the value of the coupons is calculated at 37U centimes each. The Inter- national Bureau includes the bal- ance in an annual account.