Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1039

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. June 28,1929. 2647 3.-Les dep~hes a destination ou provenant de divisions na- vales ou de batiments de guerre sont acheminees, sauf indication d'une voie speciale sur l'adresse, par les voies les plus rapides et dans les memes conditions que 100 depeches echangees entre bu- reaux de poste. La capitaine d'un paquebot postal qui transporte des de- p~hes a destinatIOn d'une divi- sion navale ou d'un batiment de guelTe les tient a la disposition du commandant de la division ou du batiment destinataire pour Ie cas OU celui-ci viendrait lui en demander la livraison en route. 4. -8i les batiments ne se trou- vent las au lieu de destination quan les depeches a leur adresse y aITivent, ces dep~hes sont con- setvees au bureau de poste, en attendant leur retrait par Ie des- tinataire ou leur reexpedition sur un autre point. La reexpedition peut etre demandee, soit par I'Office postal d'origine, soit :par Ie commandant de la divisIOn navale ou du batiment destina- taire, soit enfin par un Consul de meme nationalite. 5. -Celles des depeches dont il s'agit qui portent la mention "Aux soins du Consul d _______ _ ______ " sont consignees au Con- sulat du pays d'origine. Elles peuvent etre ulMrieurement, a la demande du Consul, reintegrees dans Ie service postal et reex- pedi.ees sur Ie lieu d'origine ou sur une autre destination. 6.- Les depeches a destination d'un batiment de guerre sont considerees comme etant en tran- sit jusqu'a leur remise au com- mandant de ce batiment, alors meme qu'elloo auraient eM primi- tivement adressees aux soins d'un bureau de poste ou a un Consul charge de servir d'agent de transport intermediaire; eiles ne sont done pas considerees comme etaut parvenues a leur adresse, taut qU'elies n'ont pas eM livrees au batiment de guerre destinataire. 3. Dispatches addressed to or Forward1nc, etc. comin~ from naval dinsions or warships are forwarded, in the absence of any indication of a special route in the address, by the most rapid routes, and under the same conditions as the dis- patches exchanged between post offices. The captain of a mail steamer which caITies dispatches ad- dressed to a naval division or a warship holds them at the dis- posal of the commander of the division or vessel of destination in case that the latter should re- quest that he deliver them en route. 4. If the vessels are not found Retention, etc. at the place of destination when the dispatches addressed to them arrive there, such dispatches are retained at the post office while awaiting their Withdrawal by the addressees or their reforwarding to another point. The reforward- ReCorwarding reo . b d.hbhquests. mgmay erequeste elt er y t e Postal Admimstration of origin or by the commander of the naval division or vessel of destination, or, finally, by a Consul of the same natlOnality. 5. Those of the dispatches in IncareofConsuI. question which bear the note: "Aux soins du Consul d _______ _ ____ __ " (in care of the Consul oL _____________ ) are delivered to the Consulate of the country of origin. They may, later on, at the request of the Consul, be returned to the postal service and forwarded to the place of origin or to another destination. 6. Dispatches addressed to a Considered In transit warship are considered as being in until delivered to com· mander. transit up to their delive!y to the commander of that warship, even if they have originally been ad- dressed in care of another post office or to a Consul charged with serving as intermediate forward- ing agent; they are not, there- fore, considered as having arrived at their address until they have been delivered to the warship of destination.