Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1049

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. June 28, 1929. 2657 annee a un comptage des objets de toute nature, sans distinction entre les lettres, cartes postales, papiers d'aifaires, imprimes, echan- tillons de marchandises et petits Pal].uets, et, au moins tous les troIS ans, A un denombrement des differentes categories de corres- pondances. Ohaque Administration fiu elle- mhne l'epoque et la duree de ces comptages. 4. -Dans l'intervalle qui s'e- coule entre les statistiques speciales Ie denombrement des differentes categories est fait d'apres les chiffres proportionnels tires de la precedente statistique speciale. 5.- Le Bureau international fait imprimer et distribue les formules de statisque a remplir par chaque Administration. 11 fournit aux Administrations qui en font la demande toutes les in- dications necessaires sur les regles A suivre pour assurer l'uniformite des operations de statistique. ARTICLE 92. Depenses du Bureau international 1. -Les depenses ordinaires du Bureau international ne doivent pas depasser, par annee, la somme de 350,000 francs suisses. 2.- L'Administration des postes suisses surveille les de- penses du Bureau international, fait les avances necessaires et etablit Ie compte annuel qui est communique aux autres Admi- nistrations. 3.- Les sommes avancees par l'Administration des postes suisses, suivant Ie § 2 de cet article, doivent ~tre remboursees par les Offices debitcurs dans Ie plus bref delai possible, et au plus tard avant Ie 31 decembre de I'annee d'envoi du compte. Passe ce delai, les sommes dues sont productives d'inter~t au profit de ladite Administration, a raison de sept pour cent l'an, a compter du jour d'expiration dudit d6lai. of all kinds, without distinction between letters, post cards, com- mercial papers, prints, samples of merchandise and small packets, and, at least once every three years, a count is made of the dif- ferent classes of correspondence. Each Administration itself fixes the time and duration of such counts. 4. In the interval which elapses between special statistics, the numbers of the different classes are estimated in accordance with proportional figures taken from the preceding special statistics. 5. The International Bureau prints and distributes the statis- tical forms to be filled in by each Administration. It furnishes the Administrations which request it all necessary information concern- ing the rules to be followed in order to assure uniformity in statistical operations. ARTICLE 92 Expenses of the International Bureau Intermediate Cl-~~. Forms to be used. Bureau expenses. 1. The ordinary expenses of the Limitation. International Bureau shall not ex- ceed the sum of 350,000 Swiss francs per annum. 2. The Swiss Postal Adminis- SuperviSion. tration supervises the expenses of the International Bureau, makes the necessary advances, and makes up the annual account which is communicated to the other Administrations. 3. The sums advanced by the Repayment of ad- Swiss Postal Administration in vances. accordance with Section 2 of this Article shall be repaid ,by the debtor AdministratlOns as soon as possible, and, at the latest, before the 31st of December of the year in which the account is sent out. Mter that period, the sums due bear interest, J.layable to the said AdministratlOn, at the rate of 7 per cent a year, counting from the date of expi- ration of the said period.