Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1101

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. June 28, 1929. 2709 Le total du droit d'assurance ordinaire et du droit spooial dena rester dans les limites fixees par l'article 3, lettre c, de l'Arrange- ment concernant les lettres et bottes avec valeur doolaroo. 2.-En ce qui concerne les envois a'Voo valeur doolar~ qui transitent en d~pkhes closes par Ie territoire lk pays non adherents a l'Arrangement concernant les envois de I'espece ou qui transi- tent pax des services aeriens pour lesquels us pays en cause n'ac- ceptelli pas la responsabiliM des valeurs, la responsabiliM de cas pays est limiMe· a celIe qui est prevue pour les envois reCO!ll- mandes. The sum of the ordinary insur- ance fee and the special fee must remain within the limits fixed by Article 3, Letter c), of the Agree- ment concerning Insured Letwrs and Boxes. 2. As for insured articles pass- ing in transit in closed mails thru the territory of countries not adhering to the aforesaid Agreement, or passing in transit thru air services for which the countries concerned do not accept responsibility for insured articles, the responsibility of those coun- tries is limited to that provided for registered articles. Transit artlclCl!. CHAPITRE III. CHAPTER III Attribution des surtaxes a~rien- RETENTION OF AERIAL SUR- nes. Frais de transport. CHARGES. TRANSPORTATION CHARGES ARTICLE 10. Attribution des surtaxes. Chaque Administration garde en entier les sommes qu'elle a perc;ues au titre des surtaxes aeriennes de toute nature. ARTICLE 11. ARTICLE 10 RetensiQn oj surcharges Each Administration retains the whole of the sums which it has collected as aerial sur- charges of any kind. ARTICLE 11 Surcharges retained. Frais de transport aerien des Aerial transportation charges jor depeches closes. closed mails I.- Las frais de transit prevus a Particle 73 de la Convention postale universelle ne s'appliquent pas aux services aeriens. 2. -Par derogation aux dispo- sitions de la Convention, les pays de destination qui assurent Ie reacheminement des correspon- dances-avion par la voie aerienne dans leur reseau interne ont droit a la bonification des frais de transport a l'inMrieur. Cette bonification doit etre uniforme

pour tous les parcours de reseau

1,nterieur d'un meme pays. 3. - Las frais de transport a1f~ rents a un meme parcours aerien sont uniformes pour toutes les Administrations. qui font emploi de ce service sans participer aux frais d 'exploitation. 1. The transit charges con- Transit charges for templated by Article 73 of the ~ ma1ls. Universal Postal Convention do AIIIf. p. 2M2 . not apply to aerial services. 2. By exception to the pro- Internal transport&- visions of the Convention, coun- Uoll charles. tries of destination which assure the reforwarding of air-mail cor- resJ!ondence by the air route in thell' domestic services are enti- tled to payment of the internal transportation charges. This payment must be uniform for all . r outes in the domestic service of one and the same country. 3. The transportation charges Uniform charges. relative to one and the same air route are uniform for all Adminis- trations using that service with- out participating in the operating costs.