Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1109

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. June 28, 1929. 2717 procecie de la m~me mamere en ce qui concerne lea correspon- dances-avion oontenues dans les dep~ches ordinaires. 3.-AussitOt que possible, et, au plus tard, un mois apres la cl6ture des operations de sta.tisti- que;lesrelevesA V8etAV4- sont- transmis aux bureaux d'e- change expediteurs pour ~tre re- v~tus de leur acceptation. Ces bureaux, apres avoir accepte les releves, les transmettent a leur tour Aleur Administration centrale qui las fait parvenir A l'Adminis-- tration centrale de l'Office credi- teur. 4. - Si l'Office crediteur n'a re~u aucune observation rectifica- tive dans un intervalle de 3 mois a compter de l'envoi, les releves sont consideres comme admis de plein droit. En cas de circon- stances extraordinaires (longue dis- tance, etc.), ces delais peuvent etre prolonges d'un commun accord entre les offices interesses. ARTICLE 20. Compte de frais de transport aerien. 1. -Les poids bruts QU nets des correspondances-avion figurant danslesrelevesAV3QUAV4- sont multiplies par un chiffre etabli d'apres Ia frequence des services d'ete et' d'hiver, et Ies produits ainsi obtenus servent de base a des comptes particuliers etablissant en francs les prix de transport revenant A chaque Of- fice pour Ie semestre en cours. 2.- Le soin de dresser ces comptes incombe a I'Office credi- teur qui les transmet A l'Office debiteur. 3. - Les comptes particuliers sont dresses en double expedition et transmis aussiMt que possible d l'Ojfice debileur. Si l'Office crediteu.: n'a r~u aucune obser- vation rectificative dans un inter- valle de 3 mois A compter de cedure is followed in regard to air-mail correspondence con- tained in ordinary dispatches. 3. As soon as possible, and at the latest one month after the close of statistical operations, theFormsAV3andAV4are sent to the dispatching exchange offices for acceptance. These offi- ces, after accepting the state- ments, send them in turn to their Central Administration, which forwards them to the Central Administration of the creditor country. 4. If the creditor Administra- Presumption of BOo . h . d ceptances. bon as not receIve any cor- rective observation within an interval of 3 months, counting from the date of transmittal, the statements are considered as fully accepte~. In case of extraor~- teJJ~~ may be ex· nary cIrcumstances (long dis- tance, etc.), those periods may be extended by common con- sent between the Administrations concerned. ARTICLE 20 Aerial transportation account 1. The gross or net weights of Aud~ting aerial tnuJllo the air-mail correspondence fig- portation aooounts. uringintheForms AV3orAV4 are multiplied by a figure deter- mined by the frequency of the summer and winter services, and the products thus obtained serve as the basis for individual ac- counts showing, in francs, the charges for transportation due to each Administration for the current six-month period. 2. The duty of preparing these IncumJ;le!lt o~ credo accounts is incumbent upon the itor AdmlDlStratlOn. creditor Administration, which transmits them to the debtor Administration. 3. The individual accounts are Prepared In dupll· prepared in duplicate and trans- cate. mitted as soon as possible to the debtor Administration. If Presumption on BOo the creditor Administration has ceptance. not received any corrective ob- servation within a period of