Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1245

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SMUGGLING CONVENTION-CHILE. MAY 27,1930. 2853 ARTICLE I The High Contract~ Parties respectively retain thelI' rights and claims without prejudice by reason of this convention with respect to the extent of their territorial jurisdiction. ARTICLE II (1) The Chilean Government agree that they will raise no ob- jection to the boarding of private vessels under the Chilean flag outside the limits of territorial waters by the authorities of the United States, its territories or possessions, in order that en- quiries may be addressed to those on board and an examination be made of the ship's papers for the purpose of ascertaining whetber the vessel or those on board are endeavoring to import or have imported alcoholic beverages into the United States, its territories or possessions, in violation of the laws there in force. When such enquiries a!ld examination show a reasonable ground for suspicion, a search of the vessel may be initiated. (2) If there is reasonable cause for belief that the vessel has com- mitted or is committing I)r at- tempting to commit an offense against the laws of the United States, its territories or posses- sions, prohibiting the importation of alcoholic beverages, the vessel may be seized and taken into a port of the United States, its territories or possessions, for ad- judication in accordance with such laws. (3) The rights conferred by this article shall not be exercised at a greater distance from the coast of the United States, its territories or possessions, than can be traversed in one hour by the vessel suspected of endeavor- ing to commit the offense. In cases, however, in which the liq- uor is intended to be conveyed to the United States, its territories or possessions, by a vessel other than the one boarded and ARTIcULO I Las Altas Partes Contratantes . Territorial Jurisdic- • tlOn retamed. se reservan, respectivamente, SUS titulos y derechos, no obstante las estipulaciones de Is. presente Convenci6n, con respecto a ]s. extensi6n de su jurisdicci6n terri- torial. ARTfcULO II 1) EI GobI·erno de Chile con- Boarding of Chilean • • • pri \"ate vessels outside VIene en no hacer Ob]eCI6n a]guna limits ~or inquiry, etc., porque se aborden los buques not objected to. privados de bandera chilena fuera de los limites de las aguas terri- toriales por las Autoridades de los Estados Unidos, sus territo- rios 0 posesiones, a fin de que se puedan dirigir preguntas a las personas que se encuentran s. bordo y examinar los documentos del buque con el objeto de esta- blecer si el barco 0 los que esten a bordo de el estan tratando de importar 0 han importado bebi- das alcoh6licas en los Estados Unidos sus territorios 0 posesio- Search, if ,•• ground ror suspICIOn. nes con mfracCl6n de Jas leyes en ellos vigentes. Cuando de dichas preguntas y examen resulten mo- tivos razonables "Oara sospecha, podra procederse al registro del buque. 2) Si hubiere motivos razona- . Seizure of vessel be- heved to be VlOlatlllg bles para creer que el buque ha American prohibition cometido, estH. cometiendo 0 trata laws. de cometer una infracci6n de las leyes de los Estados Unidos, sus territorios 0 posesiones, que pro- hiben la importllci6n de bebidas alcoh6licas, el barco podra ser apresado y llevado a un puerto de los Estados Unidos, sus terri- torios 0 posesiones para ser juzga- do conforme a dichas leyes. 3) Los derechos conferidos por . Distance from coast _. limited ror boardmg, este articulo no seran e]erCltados etc., vessels. a mayor distancia de Ins costas de los Estados Unidos, sus terri- torios 0 posesiones, de la que pueda atravesar en una hora el buque sospechoso gue trata de cometer la infraccI6n En los Extension, if liquor • conveyed by other ves- casos, no obstante, en que los sel. licores se traten de introducir en los Estados Unidos, sus territo- rios 0 posesiones, por un buque distinto al que haya sido visitado