Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1287

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POSTAL AGREE~IENT-HUNGARY. J)(.(,pmppr Iii. In~(I. January 15, It;;1. 2895 tries with the provision that each country may handle in transit and otherwise treat ordinary (un- insured) C. O. D. parcels ad- dressed to, or received from, the other country in accordance with its own domestic regulations. Article II. 1. Parcels bearing charges for collection on delivery shall be subject to the postage rates, h- surance fees, conditions of mail- ing, and other farmalities appli- cable to insured parcels without trade charges as stipulated in the aforesaid Convention of July 3, August 16, 1928, when not incon- sistent with the provisions of this Agreement. 2. The Administration of origin is entitled to collect from the sender of each parcel mailed col- lect-on -delivery, such collect-on- delivery fee, in addition to the required postage and other fees, as may be prescribed by its regu- lations, which fees and postage shall belong entirely to the coun- try collecting them. No special account of these fees is to be made between the two Adminis- trations except as stated in Article XXIII of the aforesaid Con- vention of July 3-August 16, 1928. Article III. 1. The maximum amount to be collected on delivery shall, for the present, be $100.00. This amount may be increased or decreased at any time by mutusl agreement through correspondence between the two postal Administrations. The amount to be collected on delivery shall invariably be ex- pressed in dollars and cents. 2. When the sender makes a request early enough for any re- duction or cancelation of the amount to be collected on deliv- ery, the request shall be handled between the exchange offices which have handled the parcel, un- less otherwise agreed to through correspondence. 57894°--31--PT2----8~ is ki lehet terjeszt.eni azzal a feltetellel, hogy mindegyik orszag a mw;ik orszagba tovabbitott vagy a mw;ik orszagb61 kapott kozonseges (nem erteknyilvfmi- tassal ellatott) csomagokat a szaI- litas alatt es egycb tekintetekben is sajat bels6 szabaIyai szerint kezeli. II. Cikk . 1. Az utanveteles csomagok Insurance, etc. , for· ..(lli "(_."( b· . . . ( . malitles. u~anazon SZW tm;l ~S lZtOSltuSl dijaknak, tovtibba sz6.l1itw;i es egyeb felMteleknek vannak ala- vetve, mint amelyek a fent emli- tett 1928 evi jUlius 3 augusztus ~.6-i szerz6des ertelmeben az ertek. Vol. 45 , p. 2682 . nyilvanitassa.l ellatott) utanve- tellel nem terhelt csomagokra al- kalmazand6k, felt eve , hogy ezek a rendelkezesek az emlitett szer- z6des hatarozataival osszeegyez- tethetlSk. 2. A felvev6 igazgatw; jogosult Additional fee from . d ..(..( I f I sender. nun en utunvl:'te es csomag e a- d6jat61 a sz8.llitw;i es egyeb di- jakon felii! a sajat szabalyai sze- rint jar6 utanveteli dijat is szed- ni; ezek a dijak teljes egeszuk- ben a beszed6 igazgatw;t illetik. Ezekr61 a dijakr61 az 1928. evi l·Ulius 3-augusztus 16-an kotott Accounting. Vol. 45 , p. 2694. szerz6des XXIII. cikkeben em- litett lesz8.molw;on kivii! egyeb lesz8.molw;okat nem kell kesziteni. III. Cikk . 1. Az utanvetel legmagasabb Maximum amount .. . 1 nl 100 d ll~- E t tobecollected. osszege Je e eg 0 w·. z az osszeget a ket igazgatas kozt iratvil.ltas utjan Ietrejov6 kolcso- nos meg8.llapodas alapjan bar- mikor lehet felemelni vagy le- sz8.llitani. Az utanvetel osszeget mindket iranyban dollarban es centben kell meg8.lIapitani. 2. Ha a felad6 kelllS id6ben az Changes permitted. utanveteli osszeg lesz8.l1it{istit vagy torIeset keri, a kerelmet a ('somagokat kicserellS hivatalok kozvetitik, ha csak iratvaltw; utjan egyeb meg8.llapodas nem tortenik.