Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1324

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2932 Acts declared to be o.nfair competition. COXVE~TION-PAN AMERICAN. FEBRUARY 20, 1929. las actividades industrifiles 0 mer- eantiles sera considerado como de competencia desleal y, por tanto, injusto y prohibido. Articulo 21. Se declaran de competencia des- leal los siguientes actos, y al no estar seiialadas sus penas en la legislaci6n interna de cada Es- tado Contratante, se reprimirfi.n de acuerdo con las prescripciones de esta Convenci6n: (a) Los actos que tengan por objeto dar a entender, directa 0 indirectamente, que los articulos o actividades mercantiles de un fabricante, industrial, comer- ciante 0 agricultor pertenecen 0 corresponden a otro fabricante, industrial, comerciante 0 agri- cultor de alguno de los otros Estados Contratantes, ya. sea apropiandose 0 simulando mar- cas, simbolos, nombres distin- tivos, imitando etiquetas, envases, recipientes, nombres comerciales u otros medios usuales de identi- ficaci6n en el comercio. (b) Las faIsas descripciones de los articuios, usando palabras, simbolos y otros medios que tiendan a engaiiar al publico en el pais donde estos actos ocurran, con respecto a la naturaleza, calidad 0 utilidad de las mer- candas. (c) Las faIsas indicaciones de origen 0 procedencia geognificos de los articulos, por medio de palabras, simbolos, 0 de otra manera, que tiendan 0. engaiiar en ese respecto al publico del pais donde estos hechos ocurran. (d) Lanzar al mercado u ofrecer o presentar en venta al publico un articulo, producto 0 mer- cancia bajo forma 0 aspecto tales que aun cuando no con- tenga directa ni indirectamente indicaci6n de origen 0 proce- dencia geograficos determinados, de 0 produzca 10. impresi6n, ya por los dibujos, elementos orna- mentales 0 l<lioma empleado en ment of industrial or business activities shull be considered as unfair competition and, therefore, unjust and prohibited. Article 21. The following are declared to be acts of unfair competition and unless otherwise effectively dealt with under the domestic laws of the Contracting States shall be reJ?ressed under the provisions of thIS Convention: (a) Acts calculated directly or indirectly to represent that the goods or business of a manufac- turer, industrialist, merchant or agriculturist are the goods or business of another manufac- turer, industrialist, merchant or a.griculturist of any of the other Contracting States, whether such representation be made by the appropriation or simulation of trade marks, symbols, distinc- tive names, the imitation of labels, wrappers, containers, com- m~rcial names, or other means of identification; (b) The use of false descrip- tions of goods, by words, symbols or other means tending to de- ceive the public in the country where the acts occur, with respect to the nature, quality, or utility of the goods; (c) The use of false indications of geographical origin or source of goods, by words, symbols, or other means which tend in that respect to deceive the public in the country in which these acts occur; (d) To sell, or offer for sale to the public an article, product or merchandise of such form or appearance that even though it does not bear directly or indirect- ly an indication of origin or source, gives or produces, either by pictures, ornaments, or lan- ~uage employed in the text, the Impression of being a product, article or commodity originating,