Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1358

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2966 COXYEXTION-PAN AMERICAN. FEBRUARY 20, 1929. adopci6n en el mas breve plazo posible de la legislaci6n que sea. para ponerla en vigor, de acu;;rdo con sus prescripciones constitucionales. Articulo 18. FOmJ~r Com·~ntions Los Estados Contratantes con- abrogated. vienen en que tan pronto como este Protocolo entre en vigor las Yol. 39. p . 1675; Yol. Convenciones sobre marcas de 44. p. 2494. fabrica de 1910 y 1923 quedaran automatica.mentesin efecto alguno en cuanto se refieren a la organi- zaci6n y funcionamiento de la Oficina; pero cua- lesquiera derechos que de acuerdo con sus estipulaciones se hayan adquirido 0 puedan adquirirse hasta la fecha en que entre en vigor este Protocolo, continuaran siendo vtilidos hasta que expiren. Articulo 19. Ratitlcation of Pro- El presente Protocolo sera rati- tocol. por los Estados Con- tratantes d~pues que hayan rati- ficado la "Convenci6n General Interamericana para la Protec- ci6n y Comercial," de acuerdo con sus procedimientos constitucionales. ATarmstroBot (talk) l':~~ Pan El Protocolo original y los instrumentos de ratificaci6n seran depositados en la Fni6n Pan- C~rtitled copies to is- americana, la que ennara copia sue. certificada del primcro y comuni- cara aviso del recibo de las rati- ficaciones a los Gobiernos de los Estados Contratantes, entrando Effective date of Pro- el Protocolo en vigor entre dichos tocol. Estados en el orden en que vayan depositando sus ratificaciones. Duration. Withdrawals. Este Protocolo regira indefini- damente, pero podri ser denun- ciado mediante aviso anticipado de un ano, transcurrido el cual cesara en sus efectos para el Estado denunciante, quedando subsistentepara los demas Con- tratantes. La denilllcia sera diri- gida a la Uni6n Panamericana que trasmitira aviso de la misma a los Gobiernos de los demas E:;tados. necessary legislation in the short- est possible period of time and in accordance with their constitu- tional provisions. Article 18. The Contracting Stare. agree that, as soon as this Protocol be- comes effective, the Trade Mark Conventions of 1910 and 1923 sha.ll automatica.lly cease to have effect in ~o far as they relate to the organization of the Inter-Ameri- can Bureau; but any rights which have been or which may be ac- quired in accordance with the provisions of said Conventions, up to the time of the coming into effect of this Protocol, shall con- tinue to be valid until their due expiration. Article 19. The present Protocol shall be ratified bv the Contracting States, in accordance with their respec- tive constitutional procedure, after they shall have ratified the "General Inter-American Con- vention for Trade Mark and Com- mercial Protection." The original Protocol and the instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Pan Ameri- can Union, which shall transmit . 'ertified copies of the fonner and shall communicate notice of such ratifications to the Governments of the other signatory States and the Protocol shall become effec- tive for the Contracting States in the order in which they deposit their rat,ifications. This Protocol shall remain in force indefinitely, but it may .be denounced by means of notlce given one year in advance, at the expiration of which it shall cease to be in force as regards the State denouncing the same, but shall remain in force as regards the other States. All denunciations shall be sent to the Pan American 17nion which will thereupon trans- mit notice thereoi t{) the other States.