Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1533

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Statues: Wade Hampton accepted from South Carolina, for Statuary HalL ____ _ Proceedings on acceptance of, or- dered printed ________________ _ Junipero Serra and Thomas Starr King accepted from California, for Statuary HaIL _________________ _ Robert M. La Follette accepted from Wisconsin, for Statuary Hall ___ _ Proceedings on acceptance of, or- dered printed ________________ _ Steiniger, Elise, payment to, loss of per- sonal property ___________________ _ Steintorf, Paul P., payment to, for Japan- ese earthquake losses _____________ _ Steloff, Jacob S., payment to, for fatal injury to wife____________________ _ Stevens, Clarence L. (Crow allottee), homestead patent to______________ _ Stock Owner8hip in Railroads, additional copies of House report concerning, ordered printed_______________ ~ __ Storms, Frank, granted honorable dis- charge____________ . ______________ _ Story, Arthur D., compensation to, for customs boat repairs______________ _ Stratton, Albert, military record corrected Strauss, Irene, payment to, for death of husband ________________________ _ Strehlow, Robert R., payment to, loss of personal property ________________ _ Stroud, Louis J •• payment to, for property damages ________________________ _ Stubbs, Harold S., payment to _________ _ Sturgeon, Leo. D ., payment to, loss of per- sonal property ________ - ___ - _- _- __ _ Summers, Natalia (widow), payment to__ Sunset Crater National Monument, Ariz., setting apart certain lands 88______ _ Sutton, Thomas F., military record cor- rected __________________________ _ Sweden, arbitration treaty ____________ _ Sweeney, Edward. may be appointed lieutenant, junior grade, Navy, re- tired ___________________________ _ T Tacticos, Michael A., payment to, loss of personal property ________________ _ Taft, Helen H.. granted postal franking privilege________________________ _ Taft, William Howard, death announced_ Tait, Samuel F., payment to, for property damages ________________________ _ Tariff Act of 1922: Increasing rate of duty on- Crown, cylinder and sheet glass, un- polished ____________________ _ INDEX. Ixvii Page 2168 2168 2179 2167 2167 1925 1927 1941 1634 2178 1906 1911 2117 2160 1908 2127 1967 1926 1926 3023 2111 2261 1978 1926 1906 3015 1937 2995 Tariff Act of 1922-Continued. Flaxseed ________________________ _ Linseed or flaxseed oiL ____________ _ Milk and cream, fresh ____________ _ Tariff Act of 1930: Increasing rate of duty on- Woven wire fencing, etc___________ _ Decreasing rate of duty on- Hats, bonnets, and hoods__________ _ Maple sugar and maple syrup______ _ Woodfiour______________________ _ Pigskin leather__________________ _ Tariff Bill: Additional copies of, as reported to the Hou;:;e, ordered printed__________ _ Consolidated hearings in Senate Fi- nance Committee on, ordered print- ed ___________________________ _ Printing of, as it passed the House as a House document, with index, etc., ordered_______________________ _ Taylor, Arthur W., military record cor- rected __________________________ _ Texas and Pacific Railway Company, board created, to investigate dispute of, and employees ________________ _ Thanksgiving Day: November 28, 1929, designated as____ _ November 27,1930, designated as____ _ Thayer, Brigadier General William S., may accept award from France_____ _ Theil, Arthur H., payment to___________ _ Theodore, Nick Rizou, payment to_____ _ Thomas, Edward B., payment to, 1088 of personal property ________________ _ Thomas, Lamirah F., payment to, for death of husband _________________ _ Thome, Leo B., military record corrected_ Thompson, Charles, reimbursement to, for expenses, as agent of Fort Peck Indians_________________________ _ Thompson, Fred S., credit allowed, for stolen postal funds _______________ _ Thompson, Sylvester S., military record corrected ________________________ _ Thompson, W. P ., reimbursement to ___ _ Thurnes, Clara, payment to, for personal injuries _________________________ _ Tillotson, John Sanford, designated bene- ficiary under war r;'lk term insurance_ Todd, H. L., credit allowed, in postal accounts oL _____________________ _ Tolman, Glen D •• payment to, for per- sonal injuries____________________ _ Tonguet, Larkin. military record cor- rected __________________________ _ Topa Topa Ranch Company, Ojal. CaUf., compensation for forest fire ________ _ Page 2997 2999 2996 3046 3049 3045 3048 3047 2167 2169 2168 1982 3009 3038 1638 1931 2122 1926 1912 1982 1986 1945 2133 1932 1857 2157 2136 1968 1982 1936