Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/325

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS. SF.8S . II. CHs.686-6S9. 1930. CHAP. 686.- An Act For the relief of M. L. Willis. 1933 1une 'ZT , 1930. [H. R . 597.) B· db1.S _.:J H [Private, No. 163.] e 'tt enacte y the enate a'fl,(b ouae of Representatives of the United States of America in Oongress assembled, That the Secretary M. L . Willis. of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to so::n:t;;TarmstroBot (talk)' for per- pay to M. L. Willis, Richmond, Virginia, out of any. money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $437.52, in full settlement for personal damage caused by the Postal Service in Richmond, Virginia, on December 19, 1925. Approved, June 27, 1930. 1une 'ZT, 1930. [H. R .478 .] CHAP. 687. -An Act For the relief of Marijune Cron. [Private, No. 1M.) Be it enacted by the .Senate and House of Representatives of the Unit~d State8 of America in Oongress assembled, That the provi- WariJun~ pror' fatal sions of subdivision H of section 10 of the Act entitled "An Act to in~~;~IlSb'~~. provide compensation for employees of the United States suffering 01. 44, p. 1087 . mjuries while in the performance of their duties, and for other purposes," as amended by the Act of February 12, 1927, be and the same are hereby, made to apply to Marijune Cron, widow of Warren M. Cron, who was fatally inJured on JUly 30, 1923, while 'performing his duties as an employee of the United States ReclamatIOn Service, Department of the Interior, nea.r Boise, Idaho. Approved, June 27, 1930. CHAP. 688. -An Act For the relief of Thomas T. Grimsley. 1une Z7, 1930. [H.R.1510.] [Private, No.I65.) Be it enacted by tM Senate and House 01 Representatilves of the United States 01 America in Oongress as8embled, That the Secretary ~homB8T'0rlmsley. of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, di;;~:~::TarmstroBot (talk)J:m~: out of the revenues of the District of Columbia not otherwise appro- priated, and in full settlement against the Government, the sum of $652.50 to Thomas T. Grimsley, on account of an injury sustained August 6, 1922, while in the performance of his duty as an employee of the District of Columbia, at the District workhouse at Occoquan, Virginia. Approved, June 27, 19;)0. CHAP. 689. -An Act 'For the relief of Clifford J. Turner. 1une 'ZT, 1930. [H. R . 11477.] [Private, No. 166 .) Be it enacted by tM Senate and HO'I.UJe 01 Representatives of the United Stater; ()f America in Oongres8 assembled, That the Act of g~:3m;n~:;Soo April 12, 1928 (45 Stat. L. 1720), validating homestead entry, on advalidatingr hO~~ Crookston 018072, now Cass Lake 013632, made by Clifford J. Tur- ~~. entry 0, m I- ner, August 31, 1923, upon payment of the appraised price of the ani~ded~5, p. 1m, timber thereon, be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to validate the said entry upon payment by the entryman of the sum of $242.74 for the timber on the land described in said Act, which amount shall be placed to the credit of the Chippewa Indians of Minnesota, and the Secretary of the TreasDry is hereby authorized to transfer to the credit of saId Chi£pewa Indians of Minnesota the sum of $184.48, representing the dIfference between the original appraised value and the actual amount paid by the entryman. Approved) June 27. 1930.