Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/598

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2206 AFRICAN LIQUOR CONVENTION. SEPTEMBER 10, 1919. Who, .having communicated their full powers found in good and due form, Have agreed as follows: ARTICLE 1 tlo~~torial applica- The High Contracting Parties undertake to apJ,>ly the following measures for the rest,riction of the liquor traffic m the territories which are o~ may be subjected ~ their contro~ througho~t the wh~le Exceptions. of the contment of Afnca, With the exceptIon of AlgIers, Turns, Morocco, Libya, Egypt, and the Union of South Africa. Outlying Islands In· The provisions applicable to the continent of Africa shall also apply eluded. to the Islands lying within 100 nautical miles of the coast. ARTICLE 2 f:f~rt:rg'~h!:,ade The importation, distribution, sale and possession of trade spirits

es pr~b~fed.t ver- of every kind, and of beverages mixed with these spirits, are prohibited

in the area referred to in Article 1. The local Governments con- cerned will decide respectively which distilled beverages will be re~arded in their territories as falling within the category of trade spIrits. They will endeavor to establish a nomenclature and measures against fraud as uniform as possible. ARTICLE 3 Importing, etc., d is- The importation, distribution, sale and possession are also for- f2~:dt~=p:~6¥; bidden of distilled beverages containing essential oils or chemical lted. products which are recognised as injurious to health, such as thuyone, star anise, benzoic aldehyde, salicylic ethers, hyssop and absinthe. Local classification of The local Governments concerned willlikeWlse endeavor to estab- prohibited beverages. lish by common agreement the nomenclature of those beverages whose importation, distribution, sale and possession according to the terms of this provision should be prohibited. ARTICLE 4 I~port duty on al~o- An import duty ?f not less th8;n ~OO francs per hectolitre of pure ~ohc content of dlS- alcohol shall be leVIed uaon all distilled beverages other than those tilled beverages. • •• ••• ' indIcated m ArtICles 2 an 3, which are Imported mto the area referred to in Article 1, except in so far as the Italian colonies are concerned, where the duty may not be less than 600 francs. Pro1!lbition of 1m- The High Contracting Parties will prohibit the importation, portatlon, etc., in re- dis 'b' Id . f'. l' . th . gions where use not tn utlon, sa e an possessIon 0 spmtuous IqUOrs m . ose regIOns developed. of the area referred to in Article 1 where their use has not been developed. Snspenslol!' for lim- The above prohibition can be suspended only in the case of limited ited quantities in des- •• d.dfh . f' d Icnated C8S6S. quantItIes estme or t e consumptIon 0 non-natIve persons, an imported under the system and conditions determined by each Government. ARTICLE 5 Manufacture forbid- The manufacture of distilled beverages of every kind is forbidden den. in the area referred to in Article 1. p!rr::~rtl::,~' TarmstroBot (talk)iinrJ'g The importation, di~tribution, sale and p~ssession of .st~s ,!-nd of alcobol, etc., forbidden. all apparatus or portIons of apparatus SUItable for distillatIOn of alcohol and the redistillation of brandies and spirits are forbidden in the same area, subject to the provisions of ArtIcle 6. Exception as to Ital· The provisions of the two preceding paragritphs do not apply to Ian colonies. the Italian colonies i the manufacture of distilled beverages, other than those specified m Articles 2 and 3, will continue to be permitted therein} on condition that they are subject to an excise duty equal to the Import duty established in Article 4.