Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/653

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ARBITRATION TREATY-SWEDEN. OCTOBER 27, 1928. 2261 Arbitration treaty between the United States and Sweden. Signed at _ Octobilr 'n, 1928. Washington, October 27, 1928; ratification advised by the Senate, December 18, 1928; ratified by the President, January 4, 1929; ratified by Swe.d .en, March 7, 1929; ratifications exchanged flt Wash- ington, April 15, 1929; proclaimed, April 15, 1929. By THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS an Arbitration Treaty between the United States of 8 ~Itration America and Sweden was concluded and signed by their respective ~ble. Plenipotentiaries at Washington on the twe~ty-seventh day of Octob6r, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight j the original of which Treaty, being in the English and Swedish anguages, is word for word as follows: wit 1 The President of the United States of America and His Maj- esty the King of Sweden Amerikas Forenta StatersPresi- Cont:"3Ctlng Powers. dent och Hans Majestat Konun- Determine<l to prevent so far as in their power lies any interrup- tion in the peaceful relations that have always existed between the two nations; Desirous of reaffirming their adherence to the policy of sub- mitting to impartial decision all justiciable controversies that may arise between them; and Eager by their example not only to demonstrate their con- demnation of war as an instru- ment of national policy in their mutual relations, but also to hasten the time when the per- fection of international arrange- ments for the pacific settlement of international disputes shall have eliminated forever the possi- bility of war among any of the Powers of the world; Have decided w conclude a new trea'~y of arbitration enlQrg- ing the sco{>e and ob~ations of the arbitratIOn conventIOn signed at Washington on June 24, 1924, and for that purpose they have appointed as their respective Plenipotentiaries; The President of the United States of America, gen av Sverige, vilka aro beslutna att, sAIAngt det Purpose declared. stAr i deras makt, forhindra varje avbrott i de fredliga forbindelser, som alltid rAtt melIan de bAda. folken; besjalade av onskan att ytter- ligare bekrafta sin anslutning till principen om hanskjutande till op'artiskt avgorande av alIa tvister vilka. aro agnade att bliva foremA.l for rattsligt avgorande, som mA. uppkomma mellan dem; samt angelagna. att genom sitt exempel icke blott visa, att de i sitt inbordes forhAllande fordoma krig sAsom medel i den nationella. politikens tjanst utan aven pAs- kynda den tidpunkt, dA de inter- nationella overenskommelserna. om avgorande pA fredlig vag av internationelIa. tvister sA. full- komnats, att de for alltid avlag- snat mojligheten av krig mellan varldens olika makter; hava. beslutat att avsluta en ny skiljedomstraktat, avsedd att oka. rackvidden av och forpliktelserna. enJigt den skiljedomskonvention, som undertecknades i W ashing- ton den 24 juni 1924, och hava i sAdant syfte till sino. fullmaktige utsett; Plenlpotentiarle. , . Amerikas Forenta Staters Presi- dent,