Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/679

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EXTRADITION TREATY-POLAND. NOVEMBER 22,1927. 2287 which the crime was committed, or according to the laws of the place where he was found, the criminal is exempt from prosecu- tion or punishment for the offence for which the surrender is asked. Extradition shall also not be wanted if, in a case of concurrent Jurisdiction, there has been con- cluded or is pending in the sur- rendering State the prosecution of the fugitive on a charge grow- ing out of the same set of facts as that upon which the extradi- tion is sought. ARTICLE VI. If a fugitive criminal whose sur- render may be claimed pursuant to the provisions hereof be ac- tually under prosecution, out on bailor in custody, for another crime or offence, his extradition may be deferred until such pro- ceedings be determined, or until he shall have been set at liberty in due course of law. ARTICLE VII. If a fugitive criminal claimed by one of the Parties hereto, shall be also claimed by one or more powers, such criminal shall be delivered to that State whose de- mand is first received. Nevertheless, the surrendering State may give preference to a third State provided it is bound by a treaty concluded with that State so to do. ARTICLE VIII. Under the stipulations of this Treaty, the United States of Amenca shall not be bound to deliver up its citizens, and the Republic of Poland shall not be bound to deliver up either Polish citizens or those of the Free City of Danzig. ARTICLE IX. wolnym od scigania s~owego lub od kary za przest~pstwo, z powodu kt6rego zl}dano jego wy- dania. Wydanie nie nastApi tez J' eMi w Restriction If~ugitive • '"t". under prosecutlon for panstWle wezwanem 0 wydarue similar charge in State . . b' kt6' d' where found. przeClw oBO Ie, reJ wy aru8 zaz~dano, z powodu tego samego przes~pstwa post~powanie kame zostalo juz ukonczone albo jest w toku. ARTYKUL VI. JeSli przest"pca kt6rego wyda- Surrender deferred If .. 'II.' . person under prosecu- rua zazl}dano~est w panstWle, od ~ion for another crime kt6 . d. 1._ ' In country where rego zaz ano wy ama, ElCl- found. gany sl}downie lub pozostaje na. karze z powodu innego przes~p- stwa, w takim razie wydanie jego moze by6 odlozone az do chwili, gdy on k8J'~ za to ;przestfilpstwo wymierzon~ odcierpl lub prawo- mocnie zostanie uwolniony. ARTYKUL VII. J ezeli wydania przest,.p~ kt6- Persons claimed by . . 'II' other countries. rego zazttdalo Jedno z anstw Umawiaj~cych si~, domaga. sic nadto jeszcze inne paDstwo lub kilka. panstw. b~dzie on wydany temu panstwu, od kt6rego wczes- niEti nadeszlo z~anie wydania. Panstwu, od kt6rego wydania prTarmstroBot (talk) 16:14, 18 January 2013 (UTC)! to treaty zazl}dano, wolno jednak dac . pierwsze:6stwo innemu panstwu, jezeli do tego byloby obowi~zane na zasadzie traktatu zawartego z tern panstwem. ARTYKUL VIII. N t - J. .,. Neither country to a mocy pos anOWleu DIDIeJ - deliver up Its own citl. szego Traktatu Stany Zjednoczone zens. Ameryki nie b~d~ obowi~zane wydawaC swych obywateli, a Rzeczpospolita Polska o~ateli polskich ani obywateli Wolnego Miasta Gda:6ska. ARTYKUL IX. Everything found in the nosses- Wszystkie przedmioty znaJ'du- peJlve,ry of . , !rtlcles F •• .,. seized With fUgItive. sion of the fugitive crimInal at ]&ce Sl~ w posladamu zhIeglego the time of his arrest, whether przest~pcywchwilijegozaareszto- 57894°--31---PT2 - - - -42