Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/858

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2466 IMPORT .AND EXPORT PROHIBITTONS Nov('mber 8.1927. . . ~ • January 30,1928. c:n'TarmstroBot (talk)ntlariU- The President of the Polish Re- public: M. F . Sokal, Minister Pleni- potentiary, Permanent Dele- gate of the Polish Republic accredite<l to the League of Nations; Th~ President of the Portuguese llepublic: )4. F. de Ca.lheiros e Menezes, First Secretary of Legation, Chief of the Portuguese Office accredited to the League of Nations; His :Majesty the King of Rou- mania: M. D. Gheorghiu, Director of the Roumanian National Bank; M. C. Pop~u, Diractor-Gen- eral of In4ustry in the Min- istry of Industry and Com- mTarmstroBot (talk); His M:ajesty the King of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes: M. Constantin Fotitch, Per- manent Delegate accredited to the League of Nations; His Majesty the King of Siam: His Highness Prince Charoon, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the President of the French Repul:lic; His Majesty the King of Sweden: M. Einar Hennings, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Swiss Federal Council; The Swiss Federal Council: M. Walter Stucki, Head of the Commerce Division in the Federal D~partment of Pub- lic Economy; . ~ President of the Czecho- slovak Republic: Dr. Vincent Ibl, Counsellor of Legation in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; La Pr~dent de la Republique de Pologne: M. F . Sokal, Envoye extraordi- naire et Ministre plenipo- tentiaire, Representant per- manent aupres de la Societe des Nations; Le Prffiident de la Republique portugaise: M. F. de Calheiros e Mene~08, Premier Secdtaire d~ Mga- tion, Chef de la Chanoo)le..-i'3 portugaise aupds de 1& &- dete des Nations; Sa Majesta Ie Roi de R{,'!mar.;,'; M. D . Gheorghiu, Di~ect,or de la Banque national6 de 1a Roumanie; M. C . Popescu, Director gene- ral de l'industrie au Minis- tere de l'Industrie et du Commerce; Sa Majesta Ie Roi des Serbes, Croates et Slovenes: M. Constantin Fotitch, Dele- gue permanent aupres de la Societe des Nations j Sa Majesta Ie Roi du Siam: Son Altesse Ie Prince Charoon, Envoye extraordinaire et Ministre pi enipotentiaire pres Ie Prffiident de la Re- publique franQaise; Sa Majeste Ie Roi de Suede: M. Einar Hennings, Envoye extraordinaire et Ministre pienipotentiaire pr~s Ie Con- seil federal suisse; La Conseil federal suisse: M. Walter Stucki, Directeur de la Division du Commerce au Departement federal de l'Economie publique; La Prffiident de la Republique tchooosiovaque: Le Dr Vincent Ibl, Conseiller de legation au Ministere des Affaires etrangeres;