Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/862

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2470 IMPORT AND EXPORT PROHIBITIONS November 8.1927. • January 30. 1928. Exceptions set fortb In Annex. Pon, pp. 2479, 2505. ately undertaking, as regards certain specified products, the engagements entered into under the previous articles, have deemed it equitable to authorise these High Contracting Parties to make a reservation in regard to certain temporary exceptions, which the latter undertake to withdraw as soon as the circumstances from which they arise cease to exist. 2. Moreover, the High Con- tracting Parties, recognising that the abolition of certain import or export prohibitions or restrictions applied. by some of them would involve the latter in grave diffi- culties, and that, moreover, these prohibitions or restrictions do not prejudicially affect the trade of other countries, have also deemed it equitable to authorise these High Contracting Parties to make a reservation in regard to these exceptions. 3. The Annex to the present Convention sets forth the excep- tions coming within the provisions of the two preceding paragraphs, which have been agreed to on this day's date in favour of the High Contracting Parties who are men- tioned by name in the Annex and who have signed the Convention on that date. qJ!nt1~~ed subs&- 4. Exceptions which the High lWt, pp. 2475, 2493. Problhltlons, etc. , if necessary. Contracting Parties may desire to claim subsequently to that date shall be dealt with in accordance with the procedure laid down in the Protocol to the present Con- vention. Article 7. Should one of the High Con- tracting Parties be obliged to adopt any measure of prohibition or restriction against products of possibilite de prendre immediate- ment, en ce qui concerne certains produits determines, les engage- ments souscrits aux articles prece- dents, ont juge equitable d'auto- riser ces Hautes Parties contrac- tantes a faire la reserve de certaines exceptions de caractere temporme, auxquelles celles-ci s'obligent de mettre un terme des que les circonstances qui les motivent auront pris fin. 2. D'autre part, les Hautes Parties contractantes, reconnais- sant que I'abolition de certaines prohibitions ou restictions appli- quees par certaines d'entre Elles a l'importation ou a l'exportation presenterait pour ces dernieres de graves difficultes et que, par ailleurs, cas prohibitions ou res- trictions ne comportent pas de repercussions dommageables pour Ie commerce des autres pays, ont juge egalement equitable d'auto- riser ces Hautes Parties contrac- tantes a fme la reserve de ces exceptions. 3. L'Annexe a la presente Con- vention mentionne les exceptions, rentrant dans Ie cadre des deux paragraphes precedents, qui ont eteconsenties, ala date de ce jour, au profit des Hautes Parties con- tractantes qui sont nommement designees dans cette Annexe et qui ont signe la Convention des cette date. 4. Les demandes de deroga- tions que les Hautes Parties con- tractantes croiraient devoir pre- senter posterieurement a cette date seront soumises a la proce- dure indiquee au Protocole de la presente Convention. Article 7. Si l'une des Hautes Parties con- tractantes est amenee a prendre une mesure de prohibition ou de restriction contre des produits