Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/868

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2476 IMPORT AND EXPORT PROHIBITIONS. ~~:16:45, 18 January 2013 (UTC): !:~!: have signed or acceded to the Etats signatairas ou adherents de Convention. la presente Convention. Article 17. E1Iective date, etc. The present Convention shall come into force under the condi- tions and on the date to be deter- mined at the meeting provided for hereinafter. MeetiDp. Between June 15th and July 15th, hl28, the Secretary-General of the League of N.ations shall in- vite the duly accredited repre- sentatives of the Members of the League of Nations and of non- Member States on whose behalf the Convention shall have been signed on or before June 15th, 1928, to attend a meeting at which they shall determine: Topics for - (a) The reservations which UOD. ' having been communicated to the High Contracting Parties in aCcordance with Article 6, para- AfIIe, p. 2470. graph 4, may, with their con- sent, be made at the time of ratification; (b) The conditions required for the coming into force of the Convention and, in particular, the number and, if necessary, .the names of the Members of the League and of non-Member States, whether they are signa- tories or not, whose ratification or accession must first be se- cured; , (c) The last date on which the ratifications may be de- posited and the date on which the Convention shall come into force if the conditions required under the preceding para.graph are fulfilled. Procedure if ratUlca- If, on the expiration of this pe- tion.~ not secured. riod, the ratification upon which the coming into force of the Con- vention will be conditional have not been secured, the Secretary- General of the League of Nations shall consult th(, Members of the Article 17. La presente Convention sera mise en vigueur dans les condi- tions et A la date qui seront fixees par la reunion prevue ci-apr~. < Entre Ie 15 juin et Ie 15 juillet 19?8, Ie Secretaire general de la Societe des Nations convoquera les representants dtiment accre- dites des Membres de la ·Societe des Nations et des Etats non membres, au nom desquels la ConventioJ1 aura ete signee A la date du 15 juin 1928, A une reunion, au cours de laquelle ils auront a. determiner: a) Las reserves qui, com- muniquees aux Hautes Parties contractantes en conformite du paragraphe 4: de l'article 6, pourront, avec l'assentiment de ces dernieres, ~tre faites au moment de la ratification; b) Las conditions requises pour la mise eli vigueur de la Convention et notamment Ie nombre, et, s'll y a lieu, la men- tion des Membres de la Societ ~ et des Etats non membres, qu'lls soient signataires ou non, dont la ratification ou l'adn.e - sion devra prealablement aO,Toir ete acquise; c) Le delai extreme pour Ie depot des ratifications et la date A laquelle la mise en vigueur devra intervenir, si les condi- tions requises au paragraphe precedent sont relisees. .Si, Al'expiration de ce delai, les ratifications auxquelles sera subordonnee Is. mise en vigueur de Is. Convention n'ets.ient pas acquises, Ie Secretaire general de Is. Societe des Nations consultera les Membres de la Societe des