Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/884

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2492 IMPORT AND EXPORT PROHIBITIONS November 8.1927. • January 30, 1928. Monopolies. object or effect of estahlishing an unfair discrimination against the latter. (e) ad No. B. The High Contracting Parties declare that they have solely in view monopolies each of which applies only to one or more specific articles. SECTION IV. ad Article 6. (a) ad No.1. Conditions m~lng The High Contracting Parties necessary reservat\(lns neednotbel~ovedin who have made the reservations three years. referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 6 declare that they do not regard their acceptance of the provisions of Artiele 18, para- graph 3, as an undertaking on their part that the circumstances which compelled them to make th~e reservations will have ceased to exist at the end of three years, but as entitling any High Con- tracting Party to resume his freedom of action if, in the event of these circumstances not hav- ing changed wi thin the said period, he considered that his economic conditions were detri- mentally affected by the main- tenance of any of the prohibitions or restrictions to which the afore- said reservations refer. (b) ad No.2 . ti:ner:~~PtlTarmstroBot (talk)t By allowing the exceptions given. referred to in Article 6, para- graph 2, the High Contracting Parties have not intended to give perpetual recognition to their existence, but merely to indicate that the necessity of abolishing these exceptions is not so imper- ative, in view of their slight im- portance in international trade. ne saurait avoir pour objet on pour resultat -10 creer une injuste discrimination au detriment de ces derniers. e) adNt!B. Les Hautes Parties contrac- tantes declarent qu'elles n'ont en vue que des monopoles dont chacun ne vise qu'un ou plusieurs produit" determines. SECTION IV. ad Article 6. a)adNt!1. Les Hautes Parties contrac- tantes qui ont fait les reserves prevues au paragraphe 1 de Par- ticle 6, declarent qu'elles ne con- siderent pas leur adhesion 8. la disposition de l'alinea 3 de l'ar- ticle 18 comme un engagement de leur part que les circonstances qui les ont obligees 8. formuler ces reserves auront pris fin dans un delai de trois ans, mais comme la faculte consentie a. toute Partie contractante de reprendre sa liberte au cas ou, le~ susdites circonstances n'6tant pas modi- fiees dans Ie delai indique, celle-ci jugerait son economie prejudiciee par Ie maintien d'une quelconque des prohibitions ou restrictions qui font l'objet des susdites re- serves. b)adNt!2. En admettant les derogations prevues au paragraphe 2 de Par- ticle 6,les Hautes Parties contrac- tantes n'ont pas entendu en con- sacrer d'une maniere definitive l'existence, mais seulement mar- quer que la necessite de les abolir ne se fait pas sentir aussi impe- rieusement, etant donne Ie role peu important qu'elles jouent au point de vue des echanges inter- nationaux.