Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1109

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 127 . FEBRUARY 27, 1933 . 1085 as provided in section 984 hereof shall be filed with the clerk of the court . SEC . 983 . APP LIC AT ION FOR DI SCHAR GE OF PATIENT .-.Any per son jp elication for dis- interested in an inmate of the Corozal Hospital, who believes such inmate is improperly detained therein, may make application to the district judge for the discharge of such patient . U pon re ceipt of suc h application th e judge shall is sue an order to the superintende nt of Corozal Hospital, to make a repo rt on the patien t's condition, a nd upon the receipt of such report shall consider the case, and, in his discretion, may grant or den the application . The judge may cause the patient to be examined by two competent physicians, who shall report in writing as t o the condition of the patient . SEC . 984 . DISCHARGE OF PATIENTS.--Any patients, except those Discharge . ser ving sen tences f or viola tion of the crim inal law s of the Canal Zone, may be discharged by the superintendent . He shall file with the clerk of the court a written statement that in his judgment such patient has recovered or that the discharge will not be detri- mental or dangerous to the public welfare or injurious to the patient : Provided, That before discharging any patient who has not recov- P so ov

for future ered, the superintendent shall satisfy himself by adequate investi- care of discharged . gation that the relatives or friends of the patient are able and willing to receive and care for such patient or that suitable measures for deportation have been taken . SEC. 985 . CO MM ITT IN G INSANE PRISONERS TO HOSPITAL; DISCHARGE.- Committing insane If any per son conf ined in a prison or peni tentiary under t he sen- prisoner to hospital. tence of a court become insane, he shall be committed to the Corozal Hospital by the judge of the district court . In all such cases the provisions of sections 976 to 986 relating to the period of observa- Ante, p. lam. tion of the patient and the trial of the issue as to his insanity shall be observed . Whenever a person is committed to the Corozal Hospital under the provisions of this section, the order of commit- me nt issue d by the court s hall inc lude a s tatement of the offense of which the person was convicted, the term of his imprisonment and the date upon which said term is to expire . Should such person Dta chha reee before Ba- be discharged from the Corozal Hospital before the date of the p expiration of his term of imprisonment, he shall be returned to the penal institution from which he was taken . SEC . 986 . No REPEAL OF PROVISIONS RESPECTING INQUIRY INTO INSAN- Ins ane defendants, ITY OF DEFENDANTS .-Nothing contained in sections 976 to 985 shall pr„ mine,, of Code or g

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Procedure be construed to repeal or modify the provisions of the Code of „Anon, P 1 c . Criminal Procedu re of th e Canal Zone rel ating to the inqu iry into the insanity of the defendants befo re trial or afte r conviction . CBoss REFERENCE Inqu iry i nto sa nity of de fendan ts be fore trial or af ter c onvict ion, see sections 353 to 358 of the Code of Criminal Procedure . SEC. 98 61/2 . PATIENTS IN CLASSE S EXC EPTED FROM THE PRECEDING Patients in classes excepted from provi- SECTIONS 978 TO 986, INCLUSIVE .---Insane patients from the Republic sions herein . of Panama may be admitted and detained in the Corozal Hospital, insane from Repub- and discharged therefrom, in accordance with the existing agree- lic of Panama . ments be tween th e Canal Zone aut horities and the Panaman authori- ties, or under such changes and modifications of said agreements as may be made from time to time . The superin tendent of Coroz al Hospi tal is a uthorize d to rec eive Members of Army, and deta in as pa tients, insane m embers of the Uni ted Stat es Armv, Navy, etc . Navy, and M arine Corps, and benef iciar ies of the Unite d States Public Heal th Se rvice, for observ ation and care pen ding their transfer to the United States upon the order of the official in elisrge of the respective services in tie Canal Zone .