Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1169

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. II . CII. 128. FEBRUAR Y 27, 1933 . tions of obedience and maintenance with respect to them . Such c hild shall be to all intents and purposes the child and legal heir of the person adopting him or her, entitled to all the rights and privileges, and subject to a ll the obligatio ns of a child of such person bego tten in lawful wedlock, (E. O. Mar. 22, 1907, † 797; Act Cong . Aug . 24, 1912, c. 390, †† 2, 9,37 Stat. 561; E. O. Mar. 12, 1914, † 10 ; Act Cong. Sept. 21, 1922, c . 370, † 3, 42 Stat . 1006.) SEC . 163. CONSENT TO ADOPTION OF ri .LFOITIMATE CHILD.-If the child to be adopted is illegitimate, the consent of the father to adop- tion shall not b e required . (E. O. Mar. 22, 1907, † 798 ; Act Cong. Aug.24,1912,c.390,†† 2,9,37Stat. 561; E. O. Mar. 12, 1914,† 10; Act Cong . Sept . 21, 1922, c. 370, † 3, 42 Stat. 1006 .) SEC. 164 . ADOPTION OF TLI .RGITIMATE CHILD BY FATHER.-The father of an illegitimate child, by publicly acknowledging it as his own, receiving it as such . with the consent of his wife, if he is married, into his family, and otherwise t reating it as if it were a legiti mate child, thereby adopts it as such ; and such child is thereupon deemed for all purposes legitimate from the time of its birth . The fore- going pr ovisions of this chapter do not apply to such an adoption . CHOSE REFERENCE Affec ting inheri tance, see s ection 403. CI3APTER 9 .-GUARDIAN AND WA RD CROSS REFERENCE .3ndiethl appointment of guardians, see Code Civil Procedure . SEO . 16 5. GUARDIAN, WHAT .-A guardian is a person appointed to take care of the person or pr operty of anothe r . SEC. 166. WARD, WHAT.The person over whom or over whose property a guard ian is appointed , is called his ward . SE C. 166a. KINDS of GUARDIANS.-Guardians are either : L Ge neral ; or, 2. Special . CROSS REr1 uwcss Test amenta ry guar dians, see se ction 1 6 6e . Guard ians ad iitem , see Cod e Civil Procedu re, SE C. 166b. GENERA,;, GUA RDIA N, WHAT .-A general guardian is a guardian of the person or of all the property of the ward within the Canal Zone, or of both . SEC . 166c . SPECIALI ouARDIAN, WHAT.-Every oth er is a sp ec ial guardian. SEC. 166d . GUARDIAN ; APPOINTMENT BY WILL, AND SO FORTH.-A guardian of the person or estate, or of both, of a child born, or likely to be born, may be appointed by will or by deed, to take effect upon the death of the parent appointing : One . If the child be legitimate, by the father, with the written consent of the mother ; or b y either parent, if the other be dead or incapable of c onsent . Two. If the child be illegitimate, by the mother . SEC. 166e . APPOINTMENT BY WILL OR DEED OF GUARDIAN .-A guard - ian of the person or estate, or of both, of an insane or incompetent person may be appointed by will or deed, to take effect upon the death o f the pe rson app ointing ; 1 . If the insane or incompetent person be unmarried, or be a per- son whose mar ri age has be en annulled or dissolved by death or divorce, by th e father, with t he written conse nt of the mother , or by either parent if the other be dead or incapable of consent . 1145 Executive Order No . 59731. Vol. 37, p.561; Vol. 42, p.1006. Illegitimate child . Adoption by father . , p-11 79. GUA RD IAN AND WARD. Ante, p.1078. "Guardian," defined . "Ward," deiinad. R'indsnT. Ante, p . P181. General guardian . Special guardian . Appointment, by will, etc. Guardian of an in- sane, etc ., person . Appointment by will . I