Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1181

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 123 . FEBRU ARY 27, 1933 . SEC. 227 . OTHER DIRECTIONS, WHEN VOID IN PART .-If in either of the cases mentioned in sec ti on 226 the direction for an accumulation is for a longer term than during the minority of the beneficiaries, the di recti on on ly, w hethe r sep arabl e or not f rom o ther provi sions of the instrument, is void as respects the time beyond such minority . SEC. 223 . APPL ICATI ON OF INCO ME TO SUPPO RT, ET CET ERA, OF MIN OR .-When a minor for whose benefit an accumulation has been direct ed is dest itute of o ther suffi cient mean s of suppo rt and edu ca- tion, the proper court, upon application, may direct a suitable sum to be applied thereto out of the fund . CHAPTER 1 5 .-RIGHTS OF OWNERS SECTION 229 . INCREASE OF PROPERTY .-The owner of a thing owns al so all its products and accessions . Caoss R•EacxcEs Accessions to personal property, see sections 250 et seq. Fixt ures, see secti on 248 . SEC. 230 . IN CER TA IN CASES, WHO ENTITLED TO INCOME OF PRO P- ERTY .-When, in consequence of a valid lim it ati on of a future inter- est, there is a suspension of the power of alienation or of the owner- ship during the continuation of which the income is undisposed of, and no valid direction for its accumulation is given, s uch income belongs to the persons presumptively entitled to the next eventual interest . CHAPT ER 16 .-TERMINATION OF OWNERSHIP SEC . 231 . FUTURE INTERESTS, WHEN DEFEATED .-A future interest, depending on the contingency of the death of any person without succe ssors , hei rs, i ssue, or c hildr en, is def eated by the bi rfii of a pos th umo us child of suc h per so n, ca pab le of taking by succession . Post, p. 116 .,. Post, p . 1159 CRoss REFERENCE Posthumous children, see section 2 1 3 .

Ante, p. 1155. SEC. 232. SAME .-A future interest may be defeated in any man- ner or by any act or mean s whi ch the par ty cr eatin g suc h int erest provided for or authorized in the creation thereof ; nor isa future interest, th us liable to be defeated, to be on th at ground adjudged void in its creation . SEC . 233. FUTURE INTERESTS, WHEN NOT DEFEATED.-No f uture inte r- est can be defeated or barred by any alienation or other act of the own er of the intermediate or precedent interest, nor by any destruc- tio n of suc h precedent int er est by forfeiture, surrender, mer ge r, or otherwise, except as provided by section 234, or where a forfeiture is imposed by statute as a penalty for the violation thereof . SEC . 234 . SAME.-No future interest, valid in its creation, is defeated by the determination of the precedent interest before the happening of the contingency on which the future interest is li mit ed to take effect ; but should such contingency afterwards happen, the future interest takes ef fect in the same manner and to the same extent as if the precedent interest had continued to the s ame period . 1157 When direct ion void in part . Ante, p . 1155 Ap pli cat ion of in- come to sup port, etc ., of min or RIGHTS O F OWNERS . Incr ease of p roper ty . Who entitled to in. com e of pro pe rty fu certain cases. TERMINATION OF OWNERSHIP . Fut ure interests , when defeat ed . When not defeated.