Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1412

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72d C ONGRESS. SESS. II . CH. 144 . MARCH 1, 1933 . Rent, etc .

ren t re air alte ratio n an d mai nten ance of b uild ings and the main- Vol. 48, p . 328 .

p u . s . c ., supp . vi, tenance of prisoners therein, occupied under authority of sections 4 p. 246. and 5 of the Act of May14,1930(U.S.C.,Supp.V,title18,sec. 696); support' of prisoners becoming insane during imprisonment, and who continue insane after expiration of sentence, who have no friends to whom they can be sent; shipping remains of deceased prisoners to their friends or relatives in the United States, and interment o f deceased pris oners whose re mains are uncl aimed; exp ense s inc urre d in iden tifyi ng, purs uing, and retu rnin g es caped prisoners and for rewards for their recapture; a nd f or r ep ai rs , betterments, and improvements of United States jails, including sidewalks, $3,088,000 . Additional sum, for In addition to the appropriations herein made for " Salaries and obje cts s pecifi ed . expenses, clerks of courts ", " Salaries and expenses of district attor- neys, and so forth ", and " Enforcement of antitrust laws ", the sum of $175,000 of the unexpended balance of the appropriation " Fede ral jails, construction ", contained in the Act making appropriations Vol.46,p.1328. for the Department of Justice for the fiscal year 1932, is hereby made available for the fiscal year 1934 for the purposes enumerated in such app ropri atio ns, and i n su ch am ount s as the Atto rney Gene ral, in writing, may designate . Department of Com- merce . Secretary, Assistant, and other personnel . TITLE III .-DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE OFFICE OF THE SECR ETA RY Salaries : Secretary of Commerce, Assistant Secretary, and other personal services in the District of Columbia, including the chief clerk and superintendent, who shall be chief executive officer of the departm ent and who may be designated by the Secret ary of Commerce to sign official papers and documents during the tempo- rary absence of the Secretary and the Assistant Secretary of the depa rtme nt, $ 279, 590 . CONTINGENT EXPENSES, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Contingent and mis- For contingent and miscellaneous expenses of the offices and cel lan eons expe nses s bureaus of the department, except the Patent Office, including those for whic h app ropr iati ons f or c ontin gent and misc ella neous exp enses are specifically made, including professional and scientific books, law books , book s of refere nce, p eriodi cals, blank books , pamp hlets, maps , newspapers (not exceeding $2,500); purchase of atlases or maps; stationery; furniture and repairs to same; carpets, matting, oilcloth file cases, towels, ice, brooms, soap, sponges; fuel, lighting, and heating; not to exceed $3,500 for the purchase and exchange of one passenger-carrying automobile for the Secretary of Commerce; pur- chase and exchange, of motor trucks and bicycles; maintenance, repair, and operation of three motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles (on3 for the Secretary of Commerce and two for the general use of the department), and motor trucks and bicycles, to go used only for official purposes; freight and express charges; postage to foreign countries; telegraph and telephone service; typewriters, add- ing machines, and other labor-saving devices, including their repair and exchange; first-aid outfits for use in the buildings occupied by employees of this department; street-car fares, not exceeding $500; and a ll oth er mi scella neous items and ne cessa ry exp enses not in clude d in the foreg oing, $220, 000, w hich s um sha ll co nstitu te the appro pria- tion for contingent expenses of the department, except the Patent Field service sup. Office, and shall also be available for the purchase of necessary sup- plies tirh~,a,,

plies and equipment for field services of bureaus and offices of the