Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1446

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS . 18 2,183 . MARCH 2, 1933 . Main tenance of m u- SEC . 3 . After the acquisition of the museum and other personal seam , e tc. effects of the said Washington Association by the United States, including such other manuscripts, books, paintings, and other relies of historical value pertaining to George Washington and the Revo- luti onary War as may b e dona ted to the Un ited S tates, such museum and library shall forever be maintained as a part of said Morristown National Historical Park. Board ,,m advisers . SEC. 4. The Washington Association of New Jersey, Lloyd W . Smith, and the town of Morristown having, by their patriotic and active interest in conserving for posterity these important historical areas and objects, the board of trustees and the executive committee of the said association, together with Mrs . Willard W . Cutler, its cura tor, and Clyde Pot ts at pres ent m ayor of M orris town , sha ll hereafter act as a board o? advisers in the maintenance of said park . The said association shall have the right to hold its meetings in said Ford House . Washington Associa- tion employees .

SEC . 5. Employ ees of the said Washington Association, who ,Services, in park ad. have been heretofore charged with the care and development of min istra tion , etc '

the said Ford House and its museum and other effects, may, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, hereafter be employed by the National Park Service in the administration, protection, and development of the said park, without regard to the laws of the Unit ed St ates appli cabl e to the e mplo yment and comp ensat ion o f officers and employees of the United States . tious Park Serv ice . Na- Park 6. The administration, protection, and development of afore- said national historical park shall be exercised under the direction of the Se cretary o f the Int erior by the Natio nal Park Service, subject Vol. 39, p. 535 . U. S. C.,p. 339.

to the provisions of the Act of August 25, 1916, entitled "An Act to establish a National Park Service, and for other purposes," as ion on F ed- amended (U. S . C ., title 16, sets. 1-4) : Provided, That no appro- eral funds .

priation of Federal funds for administration, protection, and main- tenance of said park in excess of $7,500 annually shall be made for Jurisdiction of state the fiscal years 1934, 1935, 1936. not impaired . SEC. 7. Nothing in this Act shall be held to deprive the State of New Jersey, or any political subdivision thereof, of its civil and criminal jurisdiction in and over the areas included in said national historical park, nor shall this Act in any way impair or affect the rights of citizenship of any resident therein ; and save and except as the consent of the State of New Jersey may be here- after given, the legislative authority of said State in and over all areas included within such national historical park shall not be diminished or affected by the creation of said park, nor by any terms and provisions of this Act . Approved, March 2, 1933. (CHAPTER 183.1 March 2, 1933 . AN ACT [s .5622.] Providing for an alternate budget for the Indian Service, fiscal year 1935. [Public, No. 410.7 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Indian n n atebudget , as- United States o f A merica in Co ngress assemb led, That in addition ti~ear 1935, to i,a to the estimates of appropriations for the , Bureau of Indian Affairs transmitted in the Budget for the fiscal year 1935 in the customary order and arrangement, there shall be submitted for the considera- tion of Congress an alternate arrangement of such estimates with a view to simplification and clarity of presentation and consideration thereof . Approved, March 2, 1933 .