Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1460

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1436 72d CONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 203 . MARCH 3, 1933 . in r. erl ent stations

n sular expe rimen t sta tions : To enable the Secretary of Agricul- Rico, maintenance. ture to establish and maintain agricultural experiment stations in Hawa ii and Pue rto R ico, inclu ding the e recti on of buil dings , the preparation, illustration, and distribution of reports and bulletins, Allotments&

and all other necessary expenses, $78,130, as follows : $36,270 for Hawaii, and $41,860 for Puerto Rico ; and the Secretary of Agricul- Sale of products ; use ture is authorized to sell such products as are obtained on the land of receipts . belonging to the agricultural ex per im ent stations in Hawaii and Puer to Ri co, and the amo unt o btain ed fr om the sal e the reof shall be co ver ed in to the Tre as ury of the United States as miscellaneous receipts . In all , sal aries and expen ses, $226, 961. Total , Offi ce of Expe rimen t Sta tions , $4, 607,9 61, of whi ch am ount not to ex ceed $138, 574 may be expe nded for p erson al se rvice s in the for Amount for vehicles Dist rict of Co lumbi a, and not to e xceed $750 shal l be avail able for the purchase of motor-propelled and horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicles necessary in the conduct of field work outside the District of Columbia . Extension Service . EXTENSION SERVICE PAYM ENTS TO STATE S, H AWAI I, AND A LASKA Cooperative exten- sion work allotments .

cooperative agricultural extension work, to be allotted, paid, . Vol. 38, p. 372; Vol. and expen ded in the same mann er, u pon the sa me te rms and co ndi- 45U S1, c 1., p. 114; tions, and under the s ame supervision as the ad dit io nal appropria- Supp. VI, p.55. tio ns ma de by the Act of May 8, 1914 (U. S. C., title 7, sees. 341-348), entitled "An Act to provide for cooperative agricultural extension work between the agricultural colleges in the several States receiv- ing the benefits of an Act of Con gr ess approved Ju ly 2, 18 62 (U. S. C., title 7, sets. 301-3 08), and of Act s sup pleme ntary ther eto, and the United States Department of Agriculture," $1,580,000

and use as mutually all sums appropriated by th is Act for use for demonstration or agreed upon. extension work within any State shall be used and expended in accordance with plans mutually agreed upon by the Secretary of Agriculture and the proper officials of the college in such State Proviso.

which receives the benefits of said Act of May 8, 1914 : Provided, county agents .

That of the ab ove a pprop riati on not mor e tha n $30 0,000 shal l be expended for purposes other than salaries of county agents . Further cooperation To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to carry into effect the with State extension worke$es m provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the further Vol. 72 , p15 40~.3p711 . devel opmen t of agric ultur al ex tensi on wo rk be tween the agric ultur al If'.s .c.,p .111 ;supp. colleges in the several States receiving the benefits of the Act ~' p' entitled `An Act donating public lands to the several States and Territories which may provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture and mechanic arts,' app ro ved J uly 2, 1862 (U. S. C., title 7, sees . 301-3 08), and all Ac ts su pplem entar y the reto, and the U nited Stat es Department of Agriculture," approved May 22, 1928 (U. S. C.; Supp . V, title 7, sees . 343a, 343b), $1,480,000. Extension work in Alaska : To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to car ry in to `11oisa5, p . 1258 .

effect the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to extend the u.s. C., Supp.VI, benefits of the Hatch Act and the Smith-Lever Act to the Territory

of Al aska, " app roved Febr uary 23, 1 929 (U. S. C., Supp . V, title 7 > sec . 386c), $12,000. Additional coopers- Additional cooperative agricultural extension work

For addi- tive extension work.

a tional cooperative agricultural extension work, including employ- men t of specialists in economics and marketing, to be allotted and pai d by the Secretary of Agriculture to the se ve ral States and the Territory of Hawaii in su ch am oun ts as he may de em necessary to accomplish such purposes, $1,000,000 .