Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1489

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 203 . MARCH 3, 1933 . the purchase of motor-propelled and horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicles necessary in the conduct of field work outside the District of Columbia . INTERCHANGE OF APPROPRIATIONS Not to exceed 10 per centum of the foregoing amounts for the miscellaneous expenses of the work of any bureau, division, or office herei n provide d for sha ll be ava ilable i nterchang eably for expendi- tures on the objects included within the general expenses of such bureau, division, or office, but no more than 10 per centum shall be added to any one item of appropriation except in cases of extraor- dinary emergency, and then only upon the written order of the Secretary of Agriculture : Provided, That a statement of any trans- fers of appropriations made hereunder shall be included in the annual Budget . MISCELLANEOUS WORK FOR OTHER DEPARTMENTS During the fiscal year 1934 the head of any department or inde- pendent establishment of the Government requiring inspections, analyses, and tests of food and other products, within the scope of the functions of the Department of Agriculture and which that depar tment is unable to perform within t he limits of its a ppropria- tions, may, with the approval of the Secretary of Agriculture, trans- fer to the Department of Agriculture for direct expenditure such sums as may be necessary for the performance of such work . EXPE RIME NTS IN LI VEST OCK PROD UCTI ON IN SOU THER N UN ITED STAT ES To enable the Secretary of Agriculture, in cooperation with the authorities of the States concerned, or with individuals, to make such inves tigations and demo nstration s as may be neces sary in c onnection with the development of livestock production in the cane-sugar and cotton districts of the United States, $39,560 . PASSENGE R-CARRYING VEH ICLES Vehicles . 1465 Interchange ofappro- priations . Allowance for miscel- laneous expenses . Prov iso . Statement to be in- cluded in annual Budget . Miscell aneous . Work for other de . partments . Transfers for inspec- tion, etc ., by Agricul- tural Department, of necessary funds . Livestock production in Southern States . Cooperative experi- ments, etc ., in develop- ing . Passenger vehicles . Within the limitations specified under the several headings the luAlpwance for, rom lump -sum a ppropr iation s here in mad e for t he Dep artmen t of A gri- Lions for field Work . culture shall be available for the purchase of motor-propelled and horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicles necessary in the conduct of th e field w ork of th e Departm ent of A gricultur e outside the Dis- trict of Columbia : Provided, That such vehicles shall be used only Use restricted . for official service outside the District of Columbia, but this shall not prevent the continued use for official service of motor trucks in the District of Columbia : Provided further, That the limitation on Interchangeable expenditures for purchase of passenger-carrying vehicles in the field funds. service shall be interchangeable between the various bureaus and offices of the department, to such extent as the exigencies of the service may require : Provided further, Tha t appr opriat ions c on- use of funds for tained in this Act shall be available for the maintenance, operation, maintenance, etc' and repair of motor-propelled and horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicles : Provided further, That the Secretary of Agriculture may exchange motor-propelled and horse-drawn vehicles, tractors, road Exchangesallowead equipment, and boats, and parts, accessories, tires, or equipment thereof, in whole or in part payment for vehicles, . tractors, road equipmen t, or boats, or p arts, accessorie s, tires, or eq uipment of such vehicles, tractors, road equipment, or boats purchased by him .