Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1508

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72d CONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 206. MA RCH 3, 1933 . detained, and one or more copies thereof kept on hand ; and when any person who is detained in custody in any such place of deten- Lis t of, to be fur. tion shall request any person in charge thereof to furnish him the nishe d on requ est . name of a bondsman, or to put him in communication with a bonds- man , said li st shall be furnis hed to th e person so reques ting, and it shall be the duty of the person in charge of said place of detention Duty of informing within a reasonable time to put the person so detained in communi- bo ndsmen . cation with the bondsman so selected, and the person in charge of said place of detention shall contemporaneously with said trans- action make in the blotter or book of record kept in any such place of detention, a record showing the name of the person requesting the bondsman, the offense with which the said person is charged, the time at which the request was made, the bondsman requested, and Record to be kept . the person by whom the said bondsman was called, and preserve the same as a permanent record in the book or blotter in which entered . Entry of bondsman, SEC. 7. It shall be unlawful for any bondsman, agent, clerk . or unless called into place he re person is in representative of any bondsman to enter a police precinct, custody, forbidden. prisoner s dock, house of detention, or other place where persons in the custody of the law are detained in the District of Columbia for the purpose of obtaining employment as a bondsman, without hav- ing been previously called by a person so detained, or by some rela- tive o r other a uthorized person a cting for or on be half of t he person so detained, and whenever any person engaged in the bonding busi- ness as principal, or as clerk, agent, or representative of another, Evidence required ; shall enter a police precinct, jail, prisoner's dock, house of detention, c be recorded, etc .

or other place where persons in the custody of the law are detained in the District of Colum bia, he s hall fort hwith giv e to the person in charge thereof his missi on there, the name of the p erson cal ling him, and requesting him to come to such place, and the same shall be recorded by the person in charge of the said place of detention and preserved as a public record, and the failure to give such informa- tion, or the failure of the person in charge of said place of detention to make and preserve such a record, shall constitute a violation of this Act . Qualific ations, etc.,

SEC . 8. It shall be the duty of the police court, juvenile court, and for bondsmen . Rules to be pre- the criminal divisions of the Supreme Court of the District of scribed . Columbia, each, to provide, under reasonable rules and regulations . the qual ification s of pers ons and c orporati ons apply ing for a uthority to engage in the bonding business in criminal cases in the District of Columbia, and the terms and conditions upon which such business shall be carried on, and no person or corporation shall, either as prin- cipal~ or as agent, clerk, or representative of another, engage in the bonding business in any such court until he shall by order of the court be authorized to do so . Such courts, in making such rules and regulations, and in granting authority to persons to engage in the bonding business,, shall take into consideration both the financial responsib ility and the mora l qualiti es of the person s o applyin g, and no person shall be permitte d to enga ge, eithe r as prin cipal or agent, in the business of becoming surety upon bonds for compensation in criminal cases, who has ever been convicted of any offense involving Registers to be kept . moral turpitude or who is not known to be a person of good moral character. It Zall be the duty of each of said courts to require every person qualifying to engage in the bonding business as prin- cipal to file with said cou rt a list showing the name, age, and resi- dence of each person employed by said bondsman as agent, clerk, or represent ative in the bondi ng busine ss, and r equire an affidavi t from each of said persons stating that said person will abide -by the terms Renewals .

and provisions of this Act . Each of said courts shall require the authority of each of said persons to be renewed from time to time