Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1530

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15 06 Miscellaneous Items. American Pri nt ing House for the Blind, expenses . Vol.44,p.1060. U.S . C., Supp . VI, p.350. Post Office Depart- ment . Department ex- penses . Postmaster General's office . Post master G eneral, and o ffice pe rsonnel . Department Ings. Personal services . Depar tment b ureaus and offices. All otme nts spe cifi ed . 72d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 212 . MA RCH 3, 19 33. Co ntracts for join t determined by such tests as the Secretary of the Treasury shall telephone switch- direct : Provided further, That the Se cret ary of the Trea sur y is TarmstroBot (talk) authorized to contract for telephone service in public buildings under the control of the Treasury Department by means of telephone switchboards or equivalent telephone-switching equipment jointly serving in each case two or more Government activities where he finds that joint service is economical and in the interest of the Gov- ernment, and to secure reimbursement for the cost of such Joint - service from available appropriations for telephone expenses of the bureaus and offices receiving the same . Cu stody sea nds37ttcc . Lands and other property of the United States : For custo dy, 37 50, p.739.

care, protection, and expenses of sales of lands and other property U.S. C.,p. 1305. of the United States, acquired and he ld under sections 3749 and 3750 of the Revised Statutes q(U. S . C ., title 40, sets . 30 1, 302), the exami- nation of titles, recording of deeds, advertising, and auctioneers' fe es in connection therewith, $500 . Supervising Archl- OFFICE OF SUPERVISING ARCHITECT .-Salaries : For the Supervising tee t's offi ce . Personal services. Architect, and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $71 5,00 0. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS, TREASURY DEPARTMENT AMERICAN PRINTING HOUSE FOR ti lt BLIND To enable the American Printing House for the Blind more adequately to provide books and apparatus for the educatio n of the blind in accordance with the provisions of the Act approved Fe b- ruary 8, 19 27 (U. S. C., Supp . V, title 20, sec . 101), $65,000 . TITLE II-POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT fiscal ear i do s for The following sums are appropriated in conformity with the Act Vol. 5, p. so. of July 2, 183 6 (U. S. C., title 5, sec. 380, title 39, sec. 786), for the U.S. C., pp . 49,1283_ po st Office Department for the fiscal yea r ending J une 30, 1934, namely POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF CO LUMB IA OFFICE OF THE PCSTMASTER GENERAL Salaries : For the Postmaster G eneral and other personal servic es in the offi ce of the P ostm aste r Ge nera l in the Di stri ct of Co lum bia, $214,463 . build- POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT BUILDINGS For personal services in the District of Columbia for 'the . care, main ten ance , and pr ote ctio n of the ma in P ost Offi ce Depa rtme nt Building and the mai l equipment sho ps building, $176,360 . SAL ARI ES IN BU REAU S AND O FFIC ES For personal services in the District of Columbia in bureaus and of fi ces of the Po st Office Department in not to exceed the following amounts, respectively O ffice of the Firs t Assistant Post master General, $ 471,000 . Office of the Second Assistant Postmaster General, $394,275 . Office of the Third Assistant Postmaster General, $725,532, of which amount $23,040 shall be available only for temporary employees . Office of the Fourth Assistant Postmaster General, $328,638 . Office of the Solicitor for the Post Office Department, $68,750 .