Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1541

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72d C ONGRESS. SESS. II. CH. 212. MARCH 3, 1933 . of the United States to cause legal proceedin gs to be immedia tely commenced to e nforce the same , and to cause t he same to be pr ose- cuted to final judgment with al l reasonable disp atch . And if in su ch detereymntts on Snsi action judgment shall be rendered against the United States, or the amount recover ed for debt and costs shall be less than the am ount so withheld as before provided, the balance shall then be paid over to such plaintiff by such Comptroller General of the United States with 6 per centum interest thereon for the time it has been withheld from the plain tiff ." SEC . 14 . Section 319 of Part II of the Legislative Appropriation Judgments and over- payments, interest rate . Act, fiscal year 1933, is repealed as of June 30, 1932 ; and the ra te Agrte, p.412. of interest to be allowed upon judgments against the United States and overpayments in respect of internal-revenue taxes shall be the rate applicable thereto prior to the enactment of section 319 of such Act . SEC . 15. Section 322 of Part II, of the Legislative Appropriation Restriction on build- Act, fiscal year 1933, is amended by adding at the end of the section ing rentals . the following proviso : " : Provided further, That the provisions of A pov p iso . to higher this section as applicable to rentals, shall apply only where the rental r entals . to be paid shall exceed $2,000 per annum ." SEC . 16. Title IV of Part II of the Legislative Appropriation Applscatlon. Act, fiscal year 1933, is amended to read as follows "TITLE IV-REORGANIZATION OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS 1517 ReorganizationoiEx- ecutive Departments . u DECLARATION OF STANDARD "SEC . 401 . The Congress hereby declares that a serious emergency and eclar ation of st and- exists by rea son of the gene ral economic de pression ; t h at i t is imperative to reduce drastically governmental expenditures ; and that such reduction maybe accomplished in great measure by pro- ceeding immedi ately under the p rovisions of this title . "Acc ordingly, the Pre sident shall inv estigate the pres ent organiza- ga PPreesidden nt t$to I vesti- tion of all executive and administrath a agencies of the Government Ante, p. 413 . and shall determine what changes therein are necessary to accomplish the following purposes "(a) To reduce expenditures to the fullest extent consistent with purposes- the efficient operation of the Government ;

4 "(b) To increase the efficiency of the operations of the Govern- ment to the fu llest extent prac ticable within th e revenues

"(c) To group, coordinate, and consolidate executive and adminis- trative agencies of the Government, as nearly as may be, according to major purposes ; "(d) To reduce the number of such agencies by consolidating those having similar functions under a single head, and by abolishing such agencies and/or such functions thereof as may not be necessary for the efficient conduct of the Government ; "(e) To eliminate overlapping and duplication of effort ; and "(f) To segregate regulatory agencies and functions from those of an administrative and executive character . " DEFIN ITION OF EXEU.JIIYit AGE NCY "SEC. 402. When used in this title, the teem 'executive agency' deed tsve agency... means any commission, independent establishment, board, bureau, division, service, or office in the executive branch of the Government and, except as provided in section 403, includes the executive departments .